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WTB, WTT: 15 to 20 Trophs or Petrochromis

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  • WTB, WTT: 15 to 20 Trophs or Petrochromis

    I am looking at adding 15 to 20 Dubs, Brichardis, or petrochromis to my existing colony of Ilangi. I have been looking at different species and am pretty well open. I am looking at a possible run to the Houston area on Sunday or Monday if I can find some. I have cash but if anyone is interested in trading, I have a couple of wet/dry (for 75 gal), overflow boxes, pumps, and a wavepoint 48" 4x54 watt light that I used for 2 weeks. I bought a new stand/canopy and it will not fit. It has saltwater bulbs in it.
    125- WC Ilangi Yellow
    40- WC L46

  • #2
    I got Petro Famula Bangwe. 12 each, they are 1 inch + right now.


    • #3
      Why disrupt a colony?


      • #4
        If you read my first post, I killed half my colony being an idiot using algea clear. I could always add more Ilangi, I was going to try something new.
        125- WC Ilangi Yellow
        40- WC L46


        • #5
          ya, i did.
          my advice would be to not do that and let things settle and learn the fishes.


          • #6
            I have had this colony for over 18 months and 2 other colonies over the past 5 or so years. I just have never kept 2 species in the same tank in the past. As far as how to care for them or learning the fishes, I am pretty sure I have a pretty good handle on them. I screwed up and killed the bacteria in my tank and caused my tank to cycle over 2 months ago. I added bacteria from a filter on another tank to speed the cycle up but it was to late. Since the cycle, I have not had a problem. Instead of adding back to the colony I have, I was just going to use this opportunity to change things up a little. While I appreciate the concern, and welcome the constructive critisim, I have done my research but as everyone knows, every person has different advice, and many sources on the internet are not correct. After reading many threads on the forum, I felt like the people on here probably had more first had experiences with what I wanted to try. I heeded the advice given in my first tread with which species would be compatable or incompatable as far as crossbreeding goes. I wanted to see what was available and will make my decision from there. Please do not take this post the wrong way, I know we do not know each other and that is why I am trying to give you a little back ground.
            125- WC Ilangi Yellow
            40- WC L46


            • #7
              Petro famula chimba.

              PM if interested.
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #8
                Miguel, thanks for the fish. They are doing well.
                125- WC Ilangi Yellow
                40- WC L46

