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Wts or wtt a small group of black convicts

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  • Wts or wtt a small group of black convicts

    I have a group of 8-10 adult to sub-adult black convicts that I want to sale or trade. I got these from another member about a month ago but its just too many so I'm keeping half and getting rid of half. I'll sale these for $3.00 a piece, I traded some fry to get these so I'm open to trades too.

  • #2
    55 gal DISCUS Community Tank)
    45 gallon tank OB Peacock, asst. peacock, with albino oscars community
    10 gallon (fancey guppy, dwarfpuffer, mollies, platys)
    10 gallon Hospital tank
    2.5 gallon dragon betta male tank
    13 gallon plants only tank soon to B saltwater!!!


    • #3

      - Before listing an item in this forum, please update your profile to indicate your general geographic location HERE. A general location will suffice...for instance, NW Houston, Clear-Lake area, Katy, Woodlands, East Houston, etc. This will save potential buyers the trouble of sending and waiting for a return private message if the location is an important factor for them.

      This always helps.

      Good luck with you sale.
      I ate my fish that died.

