Bold number are the sale price and unbold what they are worth new (more or less). Thanks and let me know...
-Iodide 16oz (Kent Marine 95-100%full – $11) -$8
-Liquid Calcium 16oz (Kent Marine 95-100%full - $14) -$11
-Fluval Filter Carbon 900g/31.74oz (Fluval 95-100%full - $14) -$11
-Reef Master Test (API – 95-100% left $37) - $25
-Saltwater Master Test (API- 85-90% left $33) - $20
OR Both for $40
-Stress Zyme 4 oz (20-25 %left) FREE
Marine Buffer Liquid 8.5oz(SEACHEM 70% full $7) -$3
Algaefix Marine Aquarium Algaecide 16oz (API 65-70%full) $18 -$9
Natural Trace Marine Essential Reef Supplement 16oz (API 65-70 full-$13) - $6
Instant Ocean Hydrometer $8 - $3
Instant Ocean Salt (treats 160 gallons Bucket $55) FULL NEW (not opened)
Instant Ocean Salt (treats 50 15lbs but about 5lbs left-enough for 15 gallons - $21)
Both for Instant Ocean Salts $45
Also have a 29gallon biocube with matching stand (stand $135 and tank $300) Both for $290
(All lights,filter etc work excellent – will throw in fish net, glass clean, glass magnet clean, heater and thermometer, tank filter)
Koralia nano Controllable Wave Pump ($30)- $17
Another powerhead rect. Shape ($20) -$12
(Will let both powerheads go for $25)
Biocube protein skimmer ( $35) - $20
Or 440/ OR BEST OFFER for everything including live rock and sand
Also have live rock and sand…let me know if interested.
-Iodide 16oz (Kent Marine 95-100%full – $11) -$8
-Liquid Calcium 16oz (Kent Marine 95-100%full - $14) -$11
-Fluval Filter Carbon 900g/31.74oz (Fluval 95-100%full - $14) -$11
-Reef Master Test (API – 95-100% left $37) - $25
-Saltwater Master Test (API- 85-90% left $33) - $20
OR Both for $40
-Stress Zyme 4 oz (20-25 %left) FREE
Marine Buffer Liquid 8.5oz(SEACHEM 70% full $7) -$3
Algaefix Marine Aquarium Algaecide 16oz (API 65-70%full) $18 -$9
Natural Trace Marine Essential Reef Supplement 16oz (API 65-70 full-$13) - $6
Instant Ocean Hydrometer $8 - $3
Instant Ocean Salt (treats 160 gallons Bucket $55) FULL NEW (not opened)
Instant Ocean Salt (treats 50 15lbs but about 5lbs left-enough for 15 gallons - $21)
Both for Instant Ocean Salts $45
Also have a 29gallon biocube with matching stand (stand $135 and tank $300) Both for $290
(All lights,filter etc work excellent – will throw in fish net, glass clean, glass magnet clean, heater and thermometer, tank filter)
Koralia nano Controllable Wave Pump ($30)- $17
Another powerhead rect. Shape ($20) -$12
(Will let both powerheads go for $25)
Biocube protein skimmer ( $35) - $20
Or 440/ OR BEST OFFER for everything including live rock and sand
Also have live rock and sand…let me know if interested.