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Selling 29g Setup / Decorations / Misc Lifestock

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  • Selling 29g Setup / Decorations / Misc Lifestock

    Looking to sell my 29g setup. Great condition, everything is roughly 6mo old. This was initially my "qt" tank, but ended up turning into a second tank thats giving me more work than intended! Will downgrade to a 10g or two for a new qt tank.

    30"L x 15.5"W x 18.5"H
    Comes with hood and working light fixture (just a plain jane florescent bulb).

    Rugged Driftwood(ish) Fake Decorations

    Ruins Decorations

    80lb bucket of Pink Granite

    2x- 2.5" Yellow Labs
    1x- 3" German Red Male
    3x- 1.5"-2.5" Female/Juvenile German Red/Sunshine (Lost track, little color to show for)
    1x- 3" Yellow Blaze Lithobate Male
    1x- 1.5" Clown Loach
    1x- 3" Labeotropheus Trewavasae (I think?)

    -29gal tank + hood/light $45
    -Drifwood Decorations $20 for all
    -Ruins Decorations $20 for all
    -Livestock Free with tank + decoration purchase
    -Pink Granite Free with tank + decoration purchase (pick and choose what you want)
    I can throw in the gravel and some of the tank plants if you want a more full setup. I'm keeping my Penguin200 HOB, Whisper air pump and heater as of now. I can throw them in if it is a deal-breaker though.

    I'm off from work Monday/Tuesday - would be the best time to pick up if you're interested. Live off of Rayford/I45.

    PM me, or Text me at (248) 372-1600. (I'll be at work tonight, so responses will be sporatic)


  • #2
    Tank Pending


    • #3
      Is the tank still pending? Sent you a PM

