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Looking for Frontosa and Calvus

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  • #16
    I'm open to anything - I just figured Calvus would compliment frontosa community/display tank nicely. In terms of which Calvus, they are all great looking fish - I've only really seen Black Congo and Ink Fin in person. I'd be up for working something out if you have any interest.


    • #17
      I wish I could keep me a colony of fronts!
      Last edited by myjohnson; 02-13-2011, 11:20 PM.
      I ate my fish that died.


      • #18
        I've seen a lot more of the stores carrying various White Calvus and Gold Comp fry. Most are fairly cheap compared to what they used to be. I have 3 small Whites, 2 Golds and one Gold Head in my grow-out tank with a group of Shell Dwellers. They came from Fish Gallery and City Pets specifically. In my 90 gallon display tank, I have two large Comps and a few 3-4" Fronts and they do just fine together. There is actually a small Ink Fin in the 90 too and everybody seems to get all great.


        • #19
          i'll probably pass. I have fronts and clown loaches in my 125.

          Be very careful mixing calvus and fronts.

          Calvus are very very slow growing fish.

          If you go the calvus route get some medium size ones if they are going to be mixed with fronts.


          • #20
            Hmm, thinking I should stick with just Fronts then? I already have the Synos/BN Plecos in the tank - but other than them, just fronts? I doubt ill be able to get a hold of larger calvus. Are fronts agressive towards other species or just other fronts if territory is involved? Ive had these couple in my tank a while now, haven't noticed anything other than slight agression between eachother.


            • #21
              i went the front route for the following reason's

              large ~ graceful ~ easy to maintain ~ easy going + within their own species ~ will live 10+ years ~ few health issues.

              Won't start breeding till around 4 to 5 years.

              I have no intention of breeding been there done that.


              • #22
                Yeah, I have no interest in breeding the fronts either. More or less want something consistant in my display tank. It's been a work in progress far too long! I already have my Nyerereis for the breeding fun (just noticed the second female is holding this morning). The females starting holding within 3-4 days of eachother. With the same male, should be interesting.

                A tank of Juvi fronts would still make for a nice tank. Will probably need to fix up my aquascaping though. I only have Holey rock at the moment - should I work on finding a nice centerpiece of driftwood? Something more open and free swimming?


                • #23
                  There has been great debate on the subject of aquascaping.

                  Basic rules with fronts are rounds rocks to prevent damage and a place for them to hide. you also don't want to overpower them with lightning.

                  check out a site called


                  • #24
                    I just finished reading all of the "advice" that's been handed out and o gotta ask where the F did you guys get this information???
                    You CAN keep Calvus with Frontosa. If you're buying juvie Fronts, get some Calvus around the 2" mark and you'll be fine.
                    Aquascaping does NOT have to include round rocks. I've never used round rocks and my fish are still awesome.
                    Driftwood can be very dangerous because of the pointy branches, plus it looks awkward with Fronts.
                    If well taken care of, Fronts can live over 20 years
                    Clay pots and PVC pipes do not increase or decrease breeding.
                    Fronts are not easily maintained...there are tons of variables that go into the equation if you wanna raise em RIGHT.

                    If you would like to learn more about these wonderful fish, stay away from and send me a PM. I'll help you out every way that I know how.
                    If it ain't wild caught
                    You ain't doing it right


                    • #25
                      I'm sure there are many ways to raise them, like other fish - I do appreciate everything from everyone thus far. I'm more or less trying to work out a viable/solid tank setup, not necessarily the "perfect" setup. No way a setup can be perfect with it being a 4' 55gal, not a 6' 210gal. So I'm trying to make due with what I have. Just to sum everything up into one post:

                      Current Tank Equipment:
                      55gal tank - It's a split hood, so I have 2x 18" bulb fixtures. Right now I have t8 15watt 8,000k bulb in each fixture. (From back when I had Peacocks/Haps)
                      2x 2215 eheims
                      2x Maxijet 1200 powerheads with sponge on intakes.
                      Leslies pool filter sand substrate.
                      ~80lb Texas Holey Rock (Again, back from what I had Peacocks)
                      Solid black background

                      Current stock:
                      4x 2-3" Syno Decorus
                      3x 2" BN Pleco
                      1x 3" Giraffe Cat
                      3x 3" Burundi Fronts (I've had these for a while now in various tanks, but now want them to be the main fish)

                      I'm picking up some Fronts from Danny tomorrow night, I'm sure we'll discuss a good number while im there, but I'm thinking between 3-5 more 2-3" fronts depending if I get Calvus or not also. Not a permanent tank, far from it, with a ~1"/year growth rate of fronts, it should be good for enough time to upgrade to a 125. If I do decide on Calvus, based on what is readily available, I'm restricted to 1-1.5" Calvus, probably a small group of 8-10.
                      -In terms of lighting: I've read in a few places that sticking a small fixture in the middle of the tank, leaving the two ends a little shaded is ideal. A single 18" bulb that I have now looks pretty good, but I wil probably switch over to a single Coralife actinic 03 blue bulb or a single 50/50 50% natural daylight 6500k bulb.
                      -Aquascaping: Still not sure on this one. With this single bulb fixture in center of tank, it brings out different ideas. Some kind of nice centerpiece in the lit area, not sure yet - still leaning toward a "stump" of driftwood of some sort if I can find a nice piece thats not too pointy. And off to the sides of the tank, stack up some of my holey rock. The pieces I have are real smooth around the holes, and holes are large enough for the fronts currently. Still open for suggestions! I'm just not a fan of ceramic pots and other "man-made" products. I'm sure theyre great for breeding tanks, but this is my display tank - trying to keep as natural as possible.

                      I don't want this to turn into an argument, just trying to learn!

                      Thanks again guys!

                      (p.s. Holy cow... I type way too much when it's late! Blaming this temporary graveyard work schedule!)


                      • #26
                        I have been on this site for a few years now, mostly it is a great site for sharing information, but lately it has gotten to where there are a few people on here that think that they invented the hobby of fishkeeping. I believe that there are many differnt ways to Keep fish, not all the same but they still work. In refernce to this post I think there is some good info given and some VERY bad info given. I/MO In a juvie or non-breeding Calvus can make very good tankmates, just keep in mind the difernce in growth rate ( big fish eat little fish). As far as rocks, as long as they do not have sharpe edges I think it should be up to the tank owner, but do dome research on your fishes natural habitat. On driftwood, I do not use it with my Frontosa mainly because most of the time it will leach. As far clay pots and PVC is concerned I don't thik most people would like that in there show tanks, but for breeding it works very well. In conclusion, has 100's of years of conbined experience in keeping Frontosa, and to give a new Front keeper the advice to stay away is ARROGANT and very very bad advice. Also to ell someone that Frontosa are not fairly easy keepers, as long as the basics are doing regularly is also incorrect. All of the things I say are just my opinion. Andrew, good luck with your fish.
                        300 W/C Burundi
                        210 W/C Moba/ Cyrtocara Moorii
                        210 F1 Moba
                        180 W/C Mpimbwe
                        180 F1 Burundi


                        • #27
                          Locking this thread for now until I have time to clean it up.

                          Please remember that the Fish Market is NOT for conversations. It's purely for Buying and Selling. Have your conversations in one of the many other forums on HFB.
                          Our Fishhouse
                          Sleep: A completely inadequate substitute for caffeine.

