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FS 150 Gallon saltwater, and 24 gallon nano reef.

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  • FS 150 Gallon saltwater, and 24 gallon nano reef.

    This is a quick post for the night, but I wanted to get it out there asap.
    Getting out of the hobby.

    Selling my 150 gallon saltwater. (4ft long, 2 foot wide, 30 inches tall) with a light wood stand. Has glass tops, Full length daylight/actinic lighting, and an eheim (will look up size)

    Also have the following to go with it, although it's never been hooked up:

    Tank/Stand/lighting: 350$
    Rock: 3$/lb

    custom BAA three Compartment Sump (Will get dimensions)-125$
    Pm-ES100 Skimmer and collection cup-120$
    Overflow box (Will get info)-25$
    Brand new pump for sump. (Will get info.)-30$

    Tank is current up and running, with 150+ lbs of rock, a blue tang, clown, damsel, hermits, and a peppermint shrimp. Willing to separate all items.

    Blue Tang-40$
    False Percula (blotch kind)- 20$
    blue Velvet Damsel-Free with Purchase
    2 Molly Miller Blennies-Free with purchase
    Peppermint shrimp/Hermits-Free with Purchase.

    24 gallon Nano:
    Fully stocked with coral, 20+lbs rock, a sixline wrasse, and etc. on a nice stand, and come with upgraded lighting. (4 bulbs, 96 watts, 2 timers, etc.) As well as the stock hood.

    Will include box of salt, hydrometers, extra pumps, koralias, and etc, all included in a bucket.
    Trying to sell this one as a kit.

    Will get more detailed tomorrow!
    Also has mangroves in sump, and etc. More info tomorrow.



    Sump/Skimmer/New Pump(the pump on the right)

    These are old pics, will get newer ones asap!
    Last edited by aquashelle; 03-02-2011, 06:42 PM.
    Currently fishless, but a proud mama to a musk turtle hatchling.

  • #2
    interested in the False Perculaand the damsels may i see pics? My gf and i have a fully cycled tank ready for fish. Also would like the shrimp please. THank you


    • #3
      Will get pics asap!
      Currently fishless, but a proud mama to a musk turtle hatchling.

