I'm looking to get about a dozen young Pelvicachromis. My preference is for P. taeniatus ('Kienke', 'Moliwe' or similar), but I also like P. pulcher 'Super Red'.
I'm mainly looking for juveniles since that's the only way to have a group of these fish in the same tank, especially males. Otherwise, they'll kill each other. I want to put them in my heavily planted 75g tank as the main display.
If anyone knows where I can get some, please let me know. Thanks! :)
I'm mainly looking for juveniles since that's the only way to have a group of these fish in the same tank, especially males. Otherwise, they'll kill each other. I want to put them in my heavily planted 75g tank as the main display.
If anyone knows where I can get some, please let me know. Thanks! :)