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Tanganyikan fish for sale round 1

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  • Tanganyikan fish for sale round 1

    1. VERY large neolamprologus cylindricus. Pushing 5" but very docile for some reason. $15 Very beautiful but I cannot get the blues to come out with my crappy camera skills.

    2. 3 proven pairs of Callochromis Stappersi aka Callochromis Raspberry Heads. These are LARGE. They are about 3" and are proven breeders. I have 3 distinct pairs and they are all Wild Caught. They have been producing but my calvus and comps keep eating the fry.

    Gorgeous fish and I will TRY my best to get the best possible pics for you guys. I will NOT take less than $25 per pair as they are already proven breeders. These are some of the largest Raspberrys I've seen except for Tim's.

    My pics do NOT do them justice but you can see just how beautiful they are. The brighter ones with spotting are obviously the males.

    3. Neolamprologus Brichardi pair. Wild Caught. These are not Very large yet but are starting to beef up with a nice little diet of NLS. I would like $20 for the pair.

    More tomorrow! I am free all day Friday, saturday after 5pm, and Sunday after 8pm. Text is best! 832-630-3890. There will be another round of cichlids for sale tomorrow night as well! Thanks for looking. Fish are located in Sugar Land but Ill meet you half way within 20 miles if you are buying multiples.
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