Hi I'm looking for a 10 Gallon fish tank with lid and light. Thanks let me know.
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WTB 10 Gallon Fish Tank
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Hi i have a custom 13 gal. With hood light filter heater airator and stand with background and gravel im asking 60 obo lmk beth55 gal DISCUS Community Tank)
45 gallon tank OB Peacock, asst. peacock, with albino oscars community
10 gallon (fancey guppy, dwarfpuffer, mollies, platys)
10 gallon Hospital tank
2.5 gallon dragon betta male tank
13 gallon plants only tank soon to B saltwater!!!
Its a little taller than a 10 gal.55 gal DISCUS Community Tank)
45 gallon tank OB Peacock, asst. peacock, with albino oscars community
10 gallon (fancey guppy, dwarfpuffer, mollies, platys)
10 gallon Hospital tank
2.5 gallon dragon betta male tank
13 gallon plants only tank soon to B saltwater!!!