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EVERYTHING MUST GO! Im out of the game! QUALITY stuff only

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  • EVERYTHING MUST GO! Im out of the game! QUALITY stuff only

    Ok, only keeping my ADA tanks so everything else must go! Again, I apologize for the crappy pics but my DSLR is having problems so point and shoot for now. Fish look a lot better in person!!!

    Fish First
    Tanganyikans first:
    1. 3 juvenile leleupis about 2" eating NLS $15 for the group

    2. 2 pair of Foai Sibwesi. Pretty rare and when you can find them they are quite expensive at around $25 each. I have two proven breeding pair for $65 for all four.

    1. Large OB peacock White/black $22

    2. White OB peacock with hints of yellow and BRIGHT blue fins. One of my favorite show fish. $30

    3. Tiger Hap. Super nice. I tried my best to get good pictures but hes very finicky. His color are much better in person. 6" $35

    Next are a set of 3 fish. Not exactly sure if they are Petrotilapia sp. chitimba, Chitamba bay. Either way, they are GORGEOUS and coloring up nicely and eating like monsters. 4" each. I would like $ 15 for all 3

    5. very beautiful protomelus sp. ? They are absolutely stunning, healthy, and the pics do not do the colors justice. Anyone who has bought from me in the last few days will attest to the colors of my fish. They are almost 6" now. $15 each.

    110 gallon Reef Ready fully loaded tank
    -2x48" T5HO lightings dual 54w bulbs EACH. So, 216 w of light. Eheim 2260, hydor inline heater, cihclid substrate, rocks, fake plants, Eheim jager heater, Glass tops, beautiful Black flush door stand, Hydor Koralias 3s, fish will be extra. This is a turn key setup. You dont need ANYTHING else. Ready to rock and roll! $500

    Driftwood. Take
    it all for $25 and Ill throw in a 5g bucket of nice rocks too. Ruler is 32" long

    If you want me to bring anything to the GHAC meeting tonight, please text me beforehand. 832-630-3890. Make sure to bring bucket if you are buying fish. More and more to come!!!!!!
    ADA mini-m planted
    ADA mini-m riparium
    ADA 30-C nano reef
    ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
    ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
    Eheim 90cm SA biotope
    110g Peacocks

  • #2

    I am interested in the leleupi, maybe the tiger hap, the protomelus sp. ?, and some others, but I had a few questions first:

    -how many 5) protomelus sp. ? do you have?
    -are you selling the other peacocks in the tank that is for sale? I am more interested in those depending on price. Hard to see what you exactly have in the other tank, but the yellow albino looking one, the one with the yellow stripe on it's head, and some of the blue ones. Let me know... Thanks...


    • #3
      text sent
      135 gal Fahaka Puffer
      150 gal Threadfin Acaras, Angels, Red Spotted Severum, Gold Severum, and a Silver Dollar
      185 gal Demasoni, Yellow Labs, Venustus, Rustys, Plecos, Clown Loaches, and Sharks


      • #4
        That OB B&W peacock rocks. Don't think i've ever seen that color strain in that clean of color lines.

        Would make a awesome addition to a male peacock tank.


        • #5
          You selling your rocks?
          I ate my fish that died.


          • #6
            Yes rocks for sale too but not seiryu, manten, or ohko
            ADA mini-m planted
            ADA mini-m riparium
            ADA 30-C nano reef
            ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
            ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
            Eheim 90cm SA biotope
            110g Peacocks


            • #7
              O nvm then.

              Just looking to add to my stash.
              I ate my fish that died.


              • #8
                i guess you re bringing Spots fish back. you are a pain bro. WTF.

                Trophs & Petros ONLY


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fshfrk View Post
                  i guess you re bringing Spots fish back. you are a pain bro. WTF.
                  Originally posted by fshfrk View Post
                  i guess you re bringing Spots fish back. you are a pain bro. WTF.
                  Uh, you must be drunk bro. I spent 3 hours taking pics of her fish to try to help her out. Then I had to upload them on photobucket and post a for sale thread and received very little interest with very lowball offers. Im going to flush all the fish and give you your $100 back. So much for trying to help. I REALLY hope you are being sarcastic.
                  ADA mini-m planted
                  ADA mini-m riparium
                  ADA 30-C nano reef
                  ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
                  ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
                  Eheim 90cm SA biotope
                  110g Peacocks


                  • #10
                    Leleupis, petrotilapias, both OB peacocks SOLD
                    110g gallon pending
                    driftwood pending
                    ADA mini-m planted
                    ADA mini-m riparium
                    ADA 30-C nano reef
                    ADA 90-P community Tanganyikan
                    ADA 120-p overflow Full reef in progress
                    Eheim 90cm SA biotope
                    110g Peacocks


                    • #11
                      I'm looking for some driftwood. Still have any for sale?
                      Chef~PIER 61 SEAFOOD

                      150G~discus and altums

