I've had these cardinal tetras for over a year. All are about 1.5 inches long and fat. They are bog enough to eat NLS normal size pellets without any problems. I have about 20. I'm asking 30 for all 20, or 20 for groups of 10. I won't split them down into smaller groups than 10.
No announcement yet.
FS - large cardinal tetras
Me me me i want them wen r u on my side55 gal DISCUS Community Tank)
45 gallon tank OB Peacock, asst. peacock, with albino oscars community
10 gallon (fancey guppy, dwarfpuffer, mollies, platys)
10 gallon Hospital tank
2.5 gallon dragon betta male tank
13 gallon plants only tank soon to B saltwater!!!