I have been feeding my Cichlids Omega 1 Cichlid Pellets (small) for the past year with very good results. I have actually been buying it in the 16.25 oz containers sold at Petsmart for $17.00 (with tax). A few weeks ago, I thought I would buy a bulk 10 pound container over the internet for about $120 with shipping. Unfortunately, I mistakenly ordered the floating pellets instead of the sinking pellets. Because I have an overflow sump in my cichlid tank, half of the floating pellets end up in my sump before my fish have a chance to eat it. Because I was the one that made the mistake, I will need to pay for shipping in both directions for a refund. Rather than deal with this hastle, I thought I would see if anyone would be interested in purchasing the container for $75. I have used less than 1/4 pound of the entire 10 pounds and this will be a great deal for anyone that uses the floating pellets. I'm located in Sugar Land and work in La Porte. Can meet anywhere in between.