$35 each -- 9 red melons (4-5.5 inches)
$35 each -- 10 brilliant turks (4-5.5 inches)
$15 each -- 11 blue diamonds (2.5-3.5 inches)
$500 takes it all + free tetra bits 4 large cans
*Tanks below are currently for sale only with purchase of fish b/c i cant sell them until the fish are gone. They will go up in a separate post after the fish are gone.
(2) 70 gallon trimless tanks w/ stands
110 gallon water storage/aging barrel
$790 for all the fish and tanks and storage barrels + all the other gear i have (nets, water test, etc)
Fed a combination of beef heart mix, tetra bits, flakes, blood worms 5x per day. Daily 90% water changes, excellent condition.
My apartment is making me get rid of my fish tanks...i guess i've over flowed 1 too many times.
Contact David
davruns at gmail dot com
see here for pics http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...183#post400183
$35 each -- 10 brilliant turks (4-5.5 inches)
$15 each -- 11 blue diamonds (2.5-3.5 inches)
$500 takes it all + free tetra bits 4 large cans
*Tanks below are currently for sale only with purchase of fish b/c i cant sell them until the fish are gone. They will go up in a separate post after the fish are gone.
(2) 70 gallon trimless tanks w/ stands
110 gallon water storage/aging barrel
$790 for all the fish and tanks and storage barrels + all the other gear i have (nets, water test, etc)
Fed a combination of beef heart mix, tetra bits, flakes, blood worms 5x per day. Daily 90% water changes, excellent condition.
My apartment is making me get rid of my fish tanks...i guess i've over flowed 1 too many times.
Contact David
davruns at gmail dot com
see here for pics http://forum.simplydiscus.com/showth...183#post400183