So I ordered some RT from a guy in Wisconsin.. Pretty much selected the ones I wanted and selling the ones I don't want. My camera sucks so I apologize for the crappy quality but its the best I can do. Attached below are pics of the parents.
Male: Carpintis "Escondido"
Female: Super Red Texas
I should add that the parents were imported from Thailand from "RainnyBetta".
The fry are about 1.5"-2".. I have 3 of them to sell. All very healthy and on a diet of NLS Cichlid Formula Exclusively. $10 Each or $25 for all 3.
Not sure if my location is posted on my profile but I'm located @I45S/Beltway8.
Thanks for looking, DTony
Male: Carpintis "Escondido"
Female: Super Red Texas
I should add that the parents were imported from Thailand from "RainnyBetta".
The fry are about 1.5"-2".. I have 3 of them to sell. All very healthy and on a diet of NLS Cichlid Formula Exclusively. $10 Each or $25 for all 3.
Not sure if my location is posted on my profile but I'm located @I45S/Beltway8.
Thanks for looking, DTony