Tearing down a scape...will eventually sell the wood and tank as well...
Anubias barteri 'nana' - at least 25 portions/equivalent (3"+ makes a portion) - $5.00 each
(See photo below...every bit of Anubias you see there is available)
Echinodorus grisebachii (Amazon Sword)- 3 large plants 12"+ tall - $7.00 each
Larger Anubias, possibly A. coffeefolia or plain A. barteri,
at least 5 portions available (larger portion than 'nana') - $6.00 each
Crypt. willisii x lucens - 10 (small ones only) - $1.00 each
7 misc young Crypts for $1.00 each (C. wendtii 'red', C. spiralis x2, C. retrospiralis x2, C. balansae 'crispatula' x2 )
Needleleaf Java Fern - $5.00 for what you see in the photo below.
Payment via paypal, shipping will begin next Monday, shipping will be $6.00 for small boxes, $8.00 for large. (I live in Liberty...about an hour away from Houston...so I'd rather not deliver unless you plan on buying a very large amount...then I'll meet you half-way.) Nothing will be removed/trimmed until ordered. PM if interested since I can't get on the website as often as I used to.
Size reference between normal 'nana' and the larger stuff...also notice some Nerite damage that you can expect
Photo depicting the remaining available Anubias 'nana' and Java Fern:
Anubias barteri 'nana' - at least 25 portions/equivalent (3"+ makes a portion) - $5.00 each
(See photo below...every bit of Anubias you see there is available)
Echinodorus grisebachii (Amazon Sword)- 3 large plants 12"+ tall - $7.00 each
Larger Anubias, possibly A. coffeefolia or plain A. barteri,
at least 5 portions available (larger portion than 'nana') - $6.00 each
Crypt. willisii x lucens - 10 (small ones only) - $1.00 each
7 misc young Crypts for $1.00 each (C. wendtii 'red', C. spiralis x2, C. retrospiralis x2, C. balansae 'crispatula' x2 )
Needleleaf Java Fern - $5.00 for what you see in the photo below.
Payment via paypal, shipping will begin next Monday, shipping will be $6.00 for small boxes, $8.00 for large. (I live in Liberty...about an hour away from Houston...so I'd rather not deliver unless you plan on buying a very large amount...then I'll meet you half-way.) Nothing will be removed/trimmed until ordered. PM if interested since I can't get on the website as often as I used to.
Size reference between normal 'nana' and the larger stuff...also notice some Nerite damage that you can expect
Photo depicting the remaining available Anubias 'nana' and Java Fern: