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Plants for Sale (Anubias, Swords, etc...)

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  • Plants for Sale (Anubias, Swords, etc...)

    Tearing down a scape...will eventually sell the wood and tank as well...

    Anubias barteri 'nana' - at least 25 portions/equivalent (3"+ makes a portion) - $5.00 each
    (See photo below...every bit of Anubias you see there is available)

    Echinodorus grisebachii (Amazon Sword)- 3 large plants 12"+ tall - $7.00 each

    Larger Anubias, possibly A. coffeefolia or plain A. barteri,
    at least 5 portions available (larger portion than 'nana') - $6.00 each

    Crypt. willisii x lucens - 10 (small ones only) - $1.00 each

    7 misc young Crypts for $1.00 each (C. wendtii 'red', C. spiralis x2, C. retrospiralis x2, C. balansae 'crispatula' x2 )

    Needleleaf Java Fern - $5.00 for what you see in the photo below.

    Payment via paypal, shipping will begin next Monday, shipping will be $6.00 for small boxes, $8.00 for large. (I live in Liberty...about an hour away from I'd rather not deliver unless you plan on buying a very large amount...then I'll meet you half-way.) Nothing will be removed/trimmed until ordered. PM if interested since I can't get on the website as often as I used to.

    Size reference between normal 'nana' and the larger stuff...also notice some Nerite damage that you can expect


    Photo depicting the remaining available Anubias 'nana' and Java Fern:
    Last edited by davemonkey; 08-04-2011, 10:36 PM.
    Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
    Also follow us on Facebook and APC

  • #2
    nice plants!


    • #3
      Still got the plants?


      • #4
        PM's answered. Yes I still have alot of Anubias (the 'nana' and the larger ones) and I have 2 swords left.
        Everything else is gone.

        Just to clarify, the Anubias barteri 'nana' is not the same as the A. barteri 'petite'. 'Petite' is the tiny one with leaves the size of a fingernail. I don't have any 'petite'. The 'nana' is the normal stuff you will see in the majority of planted tanks. In the picture I posted that shows the difference in size, that larger plant is about 7" tall; that's the larger Anubias I'm talking about...probably A. coffeefolia or the very large A. barteri.
        Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
        Also follow us on Facebook and APC


        • #5
          Thanks so much,


          • #6
            Did u sel the wood yet
            55 gal DISCUS Community Tank)
            45 gallon tank OB Peacock, asst. peacock, with albino oscars community
            10 gallon (fancey guppy, dwarfpuffer, mollies, platys)
            10 gallon Hospital tank
            2.5 gallon dragon betta male tank
            13 gallon plants only tank soon to B saltwater!!!


            • #7
              I would like some of the Anubias barteri 'nana' if you were closer. GLWS
              150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
              125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
              115G Tanganyikan


              • #8
                Originally posted by View Post
                Did u sel the wood yet
                No, I still have all the wood. Most ot it has Fissidens (the San Marcos River variety) growing on it (and not just where I attached has been spreading on its own via spores). I was planning on starting a new sales thread for the driftwood/stumps in a couple days...something like $30-$60 per piece depending on which one.

                Unitl I start that thread, if you want to see what it looks like, go the the "Plants and Planted Aquariums" section and look at my journal "Davemonkey's 125".

                I also have some wood that was neve used in the aquarium. It's the same stuff but has never been cleaned or soaked...the stuff int eh tank has been in there for 9 months, so it's pretty cured by now.

                Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
                Also follow us on Facebook and APC


                • #9
                  Originally posted by AquaticAddict View Post
                  Still got the plants?
                  All plants are gone now. There are some stragglers, but I need to take a good inventory of them to see what I really have (some are not in condition to sell...too small, too much damage, odd forms, etc... ). If I find more that are decent I'll post them in a new thread.
                  Houston Area Aquatic Plant Society
                  Also follow us on Facebook and APC

