I decided to start a new thread so people don't get confused with all the photos.
Here I am offering the very last of the Anubias I have for sale. These are lesser quality than the first couple rounds.
Anubias barteri 'nana' - ALL GONE
Anubias (either coffeefolia or large barteri) - ALL GONE - Thanks everyone for helping me clear out the tank!
PayPal accepted, shipping is Priority $6. Orders over $50 get free shipping. No guarantees. Rhizomes in pictures represent the general appearance of what is offered but may not be identical to what you get. I tried to photo the least common denominator. PM if interested. For those interested in an Anubias-themed tank, you can make quite a statement with this amount of Anubias...it's the amount my 125 was started with.
A. barteri 'nana'

The large one
Here I am offering the very last of the Anubias I have for sale. These are lesser quality than the first couple rounds.
Anubias barteri 'nana' - ALL GONE
Anubias (either coffeefolia or large barteri) - ALL GONE - Thanks everyone for helping me clear out the tank!
PayPal accepted, shipping is Priority $6. Orders over $50 get free shipping. No guarantees. Rhizomes in pictures represent the general appearance of what is offered but may not be identical to what you get. I tried to photo the least common denominator. PM if interested. For those interested in an Anubias-themed tank, you can make quite a statement with this amount of Anubias...it's the amount my 125 was started with.
A. barteri 'nana'

The large one