You know what these are. The best looking group I have seen by far in the entire country. 9 total. I believe the ratio is 3 males, 6 females but one of the smaller ones could be a male. The pictures speak for themselves. They are prolific breeders. You WILL NOT FIND ANOTHER GROUP LIKE THIS ANYWHERE. They all came from the same group, not a bunch of stragglers so they have been together their whole lives and there is zero aggression. $400 OR BEST OFFER. Dont be afraid to make an offer. Will consider trades for super rare tangs, ADA gear, or rare shrimp and plants plus cash. Lowballers need not apply and will be ignored.
Text or call 832-630-3890. Leave a voicemail if I don't answer and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you want the complete tank setup with the fish, that can be arranged as well. It is an ADA 120p overflow, ADA stand, TEK 6 bulb fixture, wet/dry, Eheim canister filter.

Text or call 832-630-3890. Leave a voicemail if I don't answer and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
If you want the complete tank setup with the fish, that can be arranged as well. It is an ADA 120p overflow, ADA stand, TEK 6 bulb fixture, wet/dry, Eheim canister filter.
