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WTB--- Used --- Aquaclear 110

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  • WTB--- Used --- Aquaclear 110

    Like the title says wtb ac110.

  • #2
    How much r u willing to pay?
    125g Long: 7 frontosa, 4 brichardi, & 1 snowball pleco. Sitting on 2 2217 eheim canister filter.

    55g Bowfront: Breeding pair of Red Head Tapajos. Sitting on 1 2217 eheim canister filter.

    10g: Planted tank with 10+ red cherry shrimps & 5 cardinal tetras. Sitting of Aquaclear 70.

    95g: Outdoor pond with 30+ electric yellow labs & Lillies. Sitting on a all-in-one filter/uv.


    • #3
      I have a used Aquaclear 110 complete filter with media, cover, intake tubes and leveling tab for $30, and now for the fine print, It was dropped and the top left of the case cracked but I repaired it waterproof marine expoxy. Does not leak at all, works fine just not using it anymore.
      150G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
      125G Tropheus Moorii Ilangi
      115G Tanganyikan

