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50 Gallon Tank & Stand & all fish and accessories $100 bucks or best cash offer

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  • For Sale: 50 Gallon Tank & Stand & all fish and accessories $100 bucks or best cash offer

    I'm disabled and I just can't afford to feed and care for these guys properly on my fixed income anymore... It started with just an algae eater that was left behind in a 10 gallon tank of mud (didn't even know anything was in the tank aside from mud at first) when I got this home so I bought him some friends and grabbed up this tank and stand at the flea market for $100 dollars and then bought some filter systems and so on and so forth but my income is barely enough to pay the bills these days so I can't have their items running the electric up while also needing to buy replacement filters and food for the fish...

    The setup could use a sand down and repaint if you wanted to have it in a public area of the home but otherwise it works just fine on a budget IMO

    2 Large Whisper Pumps (On the backside)
    Maxima Elite Air pump & original package (Can see it below the tank in the photo)
    Water Heater

    1 Very Large Algae Eater
    3 Large Blood Parrot Cichlid
    2 Medium Zebra Tetra
    2 Angel Fish
    1 Bottom Dwelling Albino Catfish (ALBINO CORYDORAS)

    Items are located in Conroe... My name Bill and my phone number is 936-264-4104

    Last edited by frostino; 10-29-2011, 03:08 PM.