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Blue lip or blue spot goby...

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  • Wanted: Blue lip or blue spot goby...

    Any where else I can find these guys besides FG...
    Last edited by Mandocruz06; 11-21-2011, 07:27 PM.
    Out of the hobby for now..

  • #2
    are you talking about the blue-spot jawfish?? we've been looking for them as well, they're awesome little characters...give donnie a call at city pets, they had a couple in a month ago, but i missed them, when i asked donnie if they would get more he said they should have some coming in anytime. 'spensive little buggers though!


    • #3
      Yes fish gallery has them for 40.00 but way too.small...
      Out of the hobby for now..


      • #4
        well i don't know if all orders are the same for lfs...but the one's donnie had where pretty much grown, 3-4.....but they were also 110 bucks!


        • #5
          wait, hang on...i think we're talking about two different fish here...are you wanting the blue spot watchman, or the blue spot jawfish?

          edit, if you like the look of the watchman, have a look at the's kinda a dream fish for the wife and me! they're waaaay more expensive, but way more colorful and their personalities just sweep you off your feet!
          Last edited by BiGPiNK; 11-22-2011, 12:05 AM.


          • #6
            Txt me ill send u pics 713_298_9566
            Out of the hobby for now..

