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clown loach
aquabee, it wasn't because they didn't have what I needed two weeks ago. I was actually shopping around for other stuff at that time. But, FR is CLOSED on Wednesdays now. That was the "DOH". Were the other fish already dead when clown the ripper was feasting about?
Wow, I've kept them almost 20 years and have never seen that happen. I've never had one get aggressive to anything other than fellow clowns, and even then no one gets hurt. That's bizarre.
Originally posted by aquabee View PostI hope none of yours go rogue like my parents' clown loach did... Ate the eyes out of 3 fish before I caught him. Now THAT's a DOH!210G Malawi haps, peacocks, and clown loaches
135G buccochromis rhoadesii & 135G Malawi haps & peacocks
125G aristochromis christi & 125G Malawi hap & old clown loaches
90G star sapphire
75G buccochromis rhoadesii
55G ?
30G aulonacara Midnight & 30G eclectochromis fry
I know, right?? He went after several platys that were alive and well. He literally dove at them so fast he was a blur, and then the platys had no eyes. It was insane. I'm thinking he got mad cow... er, mad fish disease. Seriously though, maybe a parasite got to his brain or something. I have a whole thread on it! It's called clown loach violence, or something. Anyway, I'm now traumatized. Fo life.All bleeding stops eventually...