I grew fish out for another 2months or so so they got closer to 2" instead of 1".
Eureka Red Peacocks (4x - all 2") 25.00 for all 4 (Sold)
Juvi's for sale
Breeding male
Pundamilia Nyererei (8x - 1.75-2") 7.00 each
Juvi's for sale - starting to show color. Shade of red on top with yellow on his body
Breeding male
Brevis Sunspot Ikola Brevis (3x 2.5" nearly full grown) 10.00 each
L-144 BN Plecos (2") 5.00 each
Brown Bn pleco with some green gene (2") 5.00 each
Synodontis Dwarf Petricola (6x 1-1.25") 7 each
Also have a group of 11 Afra Cobwe orange back that I got from Daves fish. I got them 4months ago at under 1". They are mostly over 2" now. Would like to get money back on them. Very healthy. 90.00 for all 11.
Link to Daves male pic.
Available soon / Growing out: (nfs yet)
20 Nyererei at 1" + 15 at 1/4"
30 Eureka Reds at 3/4"
15 Yellow Blaze at 1/2"
PM or Text me, responses may be sporadic due to working this weekend. (248) 372-1600
I'm up near the Woodlands mall, just off of i-45.
Eureka Red Peacocks (4x - all 2") 25.00 for all 4 (Sold)
Juvi's for sale
Breeding male
Pundamilia Nyererei (8x - 1.75-2") 7.00 each
Juvi's for sale - starting to show color. Shade of red on top with yellow on his body
Breeding male
Brevis Sunspot Ikola Brevis (3x 2.5" nearly full grown) 10.00 each
L-144 BN Plecos (2") 5.00 each
Brown Bn pleco with some green gene (2") 5.00 each
Synodontis Dwarf Petricola (6x 1-1.25") 7 each
Also have a group of 11 Afra Cobwe orange back that I got from Daves fish. I got them 4months ago at under 1". They are mostly over 2" now. Would like to get money back on them. Very healthy. 90.00 for all 11.
Link to Daves male pic.
Available soon / Growing out: (nfs yet)
20 Nyererei at 1" + 15 at 1/4"
30 Eureka Reds at 3/4"
15 Yellow Blaze at 1/2"
PM or Text me, responses may be sporadic due to working this weekend. (248) 372-1600
I'm up near the Woodlands mall, just off of i-45.