Discus, Heckel: 2 Large
Discus, Red Turquoise: 2 Med-Large
Discus, Red Snakeskin: 2 Med
Cardinals: 4
Rummy Nose: 5
Leopard Pleco
Bushy Nose Pleco, Black
Rope Fish
Golden Algae Eater
5 Corydoras Sterbai (cory's cats)
1 Emerald Green Cat
Clown Loach, Med
You pick up. If you call and say you're coming to get a fish I'll hold the fish until you get here, but I'll not hold the fish otherwise. Just call to check availability before you come. 59 @ Kirby area.
Discus, Heckel: 2 Large
Discus, Red Turquoise: 2 Med-Large
Discus, Red Snakeskin: 2 Med
Cardinals: 4
Rummy Nose: 5
Leopard Pleco
Bushy Nose Pleco, Black
Rope Fish
Golden Algae Eater
5 Corydoras Sterbai (cory's cats)
1 Emerald Green Cat
Clown Loach, Med
You pick up. If you call and say you're coming to get a fish I'll hold the fish until you get here, but I'll not hold the fish otherwise. Just call to check availability before you come. 59 @ Kirby area.