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African Butterflyfish

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  • Wanted: African Butterflyfish

    If anyone has one that they would like to rehome then I am in the market. while i was doing tank maintenance yesterday, one of the stupid cats jumped up and somehow perched on the glass rim know. my kids are really upset since that was their favorite fish. i can even trade you a claico cat for it. you will have to remove the boot from its hind quarters tho. grrr
    75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
    28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
    12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
    29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
    45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
    33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

    GHAC Member

  • #2
    Bump. Sorry for the loss.
    30Long: L134 Leopard Frog Plecos X16, Corydoras Sterbai X9, Endlers X4

    Small ADA nano (~8gal): ... BKK or OEBT breeding tank in the works!

    75g Craigslist Special: In the works...


    • #3
      75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
      28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
      12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
      29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
      45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
      33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'

      GHAC Member

