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Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

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  • #16
    Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

    Here is the list of fish I have with my nerites where I don't notice any eggs.

    Otocinclus Niger
    Celestichthys margaritatus
    Crystal Red shrimp
    700g Mini-Monster tank


    • #17
      Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

      hrm...  I can't believe the oto's would scrub them off the glass.  Doubt the galaxies are getting them either.  I have noticed though, the ones with my baby lf bn plecos often have the eggs remvoed from the glass, but you can still see a tiny ring where it used to be.

      how many nerites are in your tank, and what size are they?  mine are plain olive, diameter averages nickel size.

      I might just have to join your order anyway - i've got a brackish setup...  I colud use a divider to make a 'snail section' since it's the home of 2 scats and 2 green spotted puffers.   Oh, and one guppy (no clue how it got in there).   Then maybe if they breed, I could supply snails for everybody!  
      The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
      Who says you can`t have it all??!!


      • #18
        Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

        Mine are in a 30g std olives and there are 5 of them.
        700g Mini-Monster tank


        • #19
          Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

          that's the planted tank over where you had the babies?  Hrmmm....  Maybe it's because I don't have nearly the foilage you do in the tanks where I have nerites, so they're on the glass more than the plants - hence more eggs on glass....  I wouldn't notice them nearly as much (and it wouldn't bother me at all) if they laid on the plants.
          The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
          Who says you can`t have it all??!!


          • #20
            Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

            You should stick with the Haustrums. They lay eggs above the water line so you can remove them before they hatch.

            Only thing bad is they'll completely destroy your plants.


            • #21
              Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

              Ya know...  I think I might have at least one of those (Haustrum).  This morning I noticed one of my big snails (bout 1.5-2" diameter - sold to me as a 'pond snail') laying a giant clump of eggs above the waterline and just below the top tank trim.   Mass of whitish eggs, each roughly the same diameter as a bb.  

              if that's what they are, how long before they hatch?  and should I leave them where they are?  If so, won't they dry up?
              The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
              Who says you can`t have it all??!!


              • #22
                Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                Do you have a pic of the snail?

                It takes, from what i remember, upto 2 weeks for the snails to hatch. They wont dry up. My eggs are always a white/blue colour. Each of my spawns that i kept produced 50-60 snails that hatched. There are quite a few eggs that dont hatch. 1.5-2" is medium sized for a Haustrum.


                • #23
                  Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                  Thought i had a pic on my phone, but can't figure out how to get pics off phone and onto computer at work  :( .  book for the @#$% phone is at home and home computer too low-tech to work with phone.
                  The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                  Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                  • #24
                    Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                    Your phone have email?  Send it to yourself via email on the phone.


                    • #25
                      Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                      I think they charge a fee for that.   I'm on a budget ya know....
                      The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                      Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                        Some phones have a usb hook up.
                        700g Mini-Monster tank


                        • #27
                          Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                          yea, mine does, but when I look at the folder (on the computer) under pictures, there's NOTHING in there and I *know* I've got pics on the phone.  I can't find where to tell it to save the pics to the little memory chip thing or to the phone.  

                          phone is a motorola.  model name nowhere on it, it's called a lazr or something like that.  Came out right after the razr did, but it's not a flip phone.  other than that is almost just like the razr.  

                          Geez, that's pathetic I cant even remember what kind of stinkin phone i've got.  You guys need to team up.  It only takes 3 people last I heard to have someone committed to an asylum.  That's where I need to be.
                          The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                          Who says you can`t have it all??!!


                          • #28
                            Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                            I'll second....


                            • #29
                              Re: Anybody interested in some Zebra and Horned Nerites?

                              hey you!  I got some pics of your blue girl on my phone  :)  Just took them to make sure I had pics on the phone.  Still can't get them off phone!  lol

                              I'm ready to take this non-user-friendly phone into the bathroom and let it take a pic of what it looks like to get flushed firsthand.....

                              Gotta remember tho - budget - cant' afford new phone....  plug in phone, make it sit in the corner until it decides to share my own pics with me....
                              The ultimate oxymoron - Narcolepsy and ADHD.
                              Who says you can`t have it all??!!

