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  • Wanted: Discus

    Can me picks of what u got I am starting a discus tank and wanting hook ups on them

  • #2
    Hit up haw... It's not far from you and their juvies are reasonably priced


    • #3
      Yea I know about them I was wondering if anybody can give me a good deal on them or they are getting out of the hobby so I have a question can Juvi discus live with bigger ones ?


      • #4
        Not really... The larger will usually pick on the smaller ones. Causing the smaller ones to hide, lose their color and have beat up fins. Best to buy a group around the same size


        • #5
          Thanks a lot so I am looking for about like 12 or 14 would be a good group size dont u think or is that too much for a 55


          • #6


            • #7
              Also I have a 75 gallon for trade if u can give me some discus and cash and I have plenty of aquarium stuff that I can trade also


              • #8
                Might be fine as juvies...but nowhere close to big enough once they start getting any size to them whatsoever. In a 55 I wouldnt put more than 6-7 as adults. Maybe 6-7 juvies, with rasporas, tetras, and cories


                • #9
                  Yea I plan on keeping them in a 125 after they grow


                  • #10
                    I would do 10 adults in a 125. But realize discus are a huge pain. To get nice fish you need to do 50% water changes at least 3x a week, and use RO/DI water.


                    • #11
                      the fish will work out there pecking order.. it takes time.. my some of my smallest discus were the biggest bullys...

                      tap water is fine... ro/di is only needed during breeding and even then its just to get the eggs to hatch...

                      55 is *imho* a terrible tank ONCE they get larger.. its too shallow.. 75g *18" deep* are much much better...

                      a good price for discus is $10 per inch for the first 4".. then the price climbs.. spotted tend to be more expensive then solids..

                      if a fish has large eye/body ratio.. it will be stunted.. so be careful of what you pick..

                      i have some contacts for excellent stock that can be shipped..

                      get the largest fish you can get.. i am sure there are some hobbyist there in houston.. but i don't know of very many from Simply Discus that are actively breeding..

                      water changes are very important to getting optimal health/grow of the fish..

                      North American Discus Association, Secretary (N.A.D.A.)
                      N.A.D.A Facebook
                      Jester - S0S Crew Texas


                      • #12
                        Hey so even if I have like a eheim 2213 and a fluval 405 on the 55 how much water change do I still have to do bc on my 125 I have 4 eheims on it


                        • #13
                          Thanks warlock but where can iget them for 10 bc wherever I go there atleast 20 and they are mixed and aren't pretty and skinny


                          • #14


                            • #15

                              North American Discus Association, Secretary (N.A.D.A.)
                              N.A.D.A Facebook
                              Jester - S0S Crew Texas

