Selling many .5"-1.5" fry asking for $1 ea if you buy a lot I will cut you a deal looking to trade for almost any shrimp except crs and tigers and maybe anything else just throw me an offer pm or text me at 832-212-8827
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Selling Honduran red point x convict cichlids
PM sendsigpic
72 Gal bow front - 11 L134 plecos , 6 albino corys , 10 mikula (2 inches)
30 Gallon - Bristle nose male and long fin albino pleco and their babies- breeding tank.
20 gallon planted long- Assorted guppies, long fin pleco juvies
30 gallon hexagon - Black moscow guppies and long fins
46 Gallon- Gold fishes
10 gallon - breeding cory
10 gallon - cory babies