you have to be careful 'wild collecting' even sand these days. i used to buy playsand at walmart that was pretty white. it might be back in the concrete mixing section of the home improvement stores this time of year. i dont know salt, but i wouldnt use it in FW at any depth over maybe an inch.
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where can i buy white play sand?
75G Standard - High Light Planted Community Fish
28G Aquapod - Medium Light Planted Shrimp & Microrasboras
12G Eclipse - Bonsai Planted Betta & Shrimp
29G Standard - Vivarium w/ Red Devil Crabs
45G Exo-Terra - Terrarium w/ Hermit Crabs (in progress)
33G Cubish - Vivarium w/ D.auratus 'blue & bronze'
GHAC Member
I would stay away from silica sand I think I have some in my tank was told it wasn't but I've tested my water have good water flow in my tank but have diatom blooms on my sand all the time my biocube is almost ready for coral and as soon as it is I'm putting caribsea special grade reef sand in gonna be a big big hassel but to have clean sand is gonna be nice
ok so i spent all freaking day on google reading about sand in saltwater tanks,, seems everyone says something different!! Some say "never use silica" some say "silica is fine EVERYTHING has silica in it, even the glass in your aquarium" some say "just use pool filter sand" some say "use any sand but pool filter sand" .. im confused worse then i was before!.. id like to take a site poll of salt water users to see what sand everyone here uses! My normal hangout!
i was thinking about going layered like i did in my 55 gallon,, i went like 2 inches of very fine tan sand,, then topped with like 2 inches of course white sand,, i didnt want sand floating all in my tanks messing the water up plus i wanted water to get down a couple of inches to help the top layer grow My normal hangout!
if you mix fine sand and course in layer dont the fine sand always settle to the bottom and the course always stay on top?? this was my understanding My normal hangout!
Fine sand will go to the bottom. The smaller grains filter through the larger grains over time.
ty darbex,, that is what i thought,, any chance you know a place in houston that sellls white play sand? My normal hangout!
No interested in this because I have never heard of white play sand.
Originally posted by Tommy Gether View Postok so i spent all freaking day on google reading about sand in saltwater tanks,, seems everyone says something different!! Some say "never use silica" some say "silica is fine EVERYTHING has silica in it, even the glass in your aquarium" some say "just use pool filter sand" some say "use any sand but pool filter sand" .. im confused worse then i was before!.. id like to take a site poll of salt water users to see what sand everyone here uses!
Yes, but it has been melted and fused into the other material in the mixture. It's a little different there.
I bought a bag of pool filter sand last week. It said it was for pools and aquarium filters. I didnt think to ask about the color and was dissappointed in the tan color. Now, I'm thinking it looks more natural. Just make certain you wash any kind of sand you get.
200 - African cichlids
72 - Salty Bow Front
33 Cube - community
10's - Freshwater Shrimp