Looking to sell or trade Eshopps Rs-200 30x16x12 reef sump and Emperor 25W UV sterilizer...It came with a tank I got on Weds and I don't need it....Sump has aftermarket sump and Bio-balls...all hoses and such are included and there is still a pump that hums when plugged in but I'm not sure it works or not...I don't do saltwater so make an offer or I would also be willing to trade for used filters, fish, fry or maybe decor...Make an offer or let me know what you want to trade me...Will try an upload photos but it isn't working right now...Photos uploaded to Craigslist though...
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Eshopps RS-200 Reef sump and Emperor Aquatics 25w Smart UV sterilizer 02025
I've got several freshwater fish I would trade. Fish i have include a freshwater barracuda (about 4 inches), about a 10 inch plecostamus, south a 5 inch plecostamus, a snowflake eel (about 12"), a ropefish, a knifefish, and maybe a fee others. I am getting out of freshwater so any of them would be available.
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They do all get along. I keep them all in a 75 gallon aand I feel there is plenty of room. I think they would work in a 55 gallon. The only one that is extremely active and cruises the tank alot is the freshwater barracuda.
If the sump is nice enough and depending on your 55 gallon tank, I would consider trading tanks. I am ultimately planning to get rid of the 75 gallon tank. See http://houston.craigslist.org/for/2935968511.html
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