I am only looking for a few items:
Multi tank rack for breeding, 48x18 stand (REALLY WANT THIS), or some adult fish...Lmk thanks
Aquariums for sale/trade:
Hood and light for 30 gallon (pictured on 30 gal. Tank) 25.00
10 gallon with wire top 10.00
****SOLD****20 gallon tank w/black trim 20.00
(Keeping for kids. Added a 20 gallon for sale) 30 gallon tank, stand, light ******
****SOLD****58 gallon oceanic tank (wood grain trim)
PRICE REDUCED!! 36gallon bowfront tank (black trim) stand, light, HOB Filter 120.00 (very nice) (I can also add one of my EHEIM 2213s with the HOB filter for 165.00/or in place of HOB for 155.00)
****SOLD****Ehiem 2213 with accessories 60.00
****SOLD****Also have some small hob filters 10-15 bucks
1-1.5" electric blue ahli 3.00
2" south American jaguars-2.00. / Also (nearly foot long male) I've always kept him in a community tank without incident....even my axxhole gourami lived with him for a few months! 25.00
*****SOLD****2-3" yellow tail acei-3.00 (breeding adults also available)
Adult yellow labs (breeding, but who doesn't have these already?lol) 10 each
EDITED FOR EASIER SALES TERMS****Have 9 young Burundi frontosa. 3-5":
I'd prefer to sell all together for 125.00. If this is not an option, I will sell in threes. 3 for 50.00.
Jag pic
58 gallon pic
30 gallon pic
36 gallon bowfront pics
Multi tank rack for breeding, 48x18 stand (REALLY WANT THIS), or some adult fish...Lmk thanks
Aquariums for sale/trade:
Hood and light for 30 gallon (pictured on 30 gal. Tank) 25.00
10 gallon with wire top 10.00
****SOLD****20 gallon tank w/black trim 20.00
(Keeping for kids. Added a 20 gallon for sale) 30 gallon tank, stand, light ******
****SOLD****58 gallon oceanic tank (wood grain trim)
PRICE REDUCED!! 36gallon bowfront tank (black trim) stand, light, HOB Filter 120.00 (very nice) (I can also add one of my EHEIM 2213s with the HOB filter for 165.00/or in place of HOB for 155.00)
****SOLD****Ehiem 2213 with accessories 60.00
****SOLD****Also have some small hob filters 10-15 bucks
1-1.5" electric blue ahli 3.00
2" south American jaguars-2.00. / Also (nearly foot long male) I've always kept him in a community tank without incident....even my axxhole gourami lived with him for a few months! 25.00
*****SOLD****2-3" yellow tail acei-3.00 (breeding adults also available)
Adult yellow labs (breeding, but who doesn't have these already?lol) 10 each
EDITED FOR EASIER SALES TERMS****Have 9 young Burundi frontosa. 3-5":
I'd prefer to sell all together for 125.00. If this is not an option, I will sell in threes. 3 for 50.00.
Jag pic
58 gallon pic
30 gallon pic
36 gallon bowfront pics