Updating thread to reflect other crap to dump
-10-20lbs of Seachem Fluorite original $10 or free with other purchase

-10-15lbs of Seachem Onyx $10 or free with other purchase Gone

-50-100lbs of sandblasting pea gravel $10 or free with other purchase Gone

-~30-40lbs of Holey rock $30

-30g Long painted back, maple trim... old $15 Sold

-55g Long resealed, brown trim and stand holds water $40 Gone

-30g High w/stand has pfs $60

-AquaClear HOB grabBag (2xAC30) two missing cover, no media, needs good cleaning has sponges and some have extension tubes $15 or one free with each purchase Gone
-Koralia 3 $20
free heater with purchase (have 2x glass heaters) all prices are OBO
Mini-Jet 404/606
Media Reactor
FishGallery store credit
CityPets store credit
Eheim 2217
Amquel+plus Gallon
Nice Flowerhorn juvi
Nice centerpiece agressive SA/CA (blocky big dome fish)
Koralia Evo 1400
big 5"+ male bristlenose
Seachem Purgien (new)
Seachem Pond Matrix
Roseline barbs
bowfin fish
lots of mystery snails!
-10-20lbs of Seachem Fluorite original $10 or free with other purchase

-~30-40lbs of Holey rock $30

-30g High w/stand has pfs $60

-Koralia 3 $20
free heater with purchase (have 2x glass heaters) all prices are OBO
Mini-Jet 404/606
Media Reactor
FishGallery store credit
CityPets store credit
Eheim 2217
Amquel+plus Gallon
Nice Flowerhorn juvi
Nice centerpiece agressive SA/CA (blocky big dome fish)
Koralia Evo 1400
big 5"+ male bristlenose
Seachem Purgien (new)
Seachem Pond Matrix
Roseline barbs
bowfin fish
lots of mystery snails!