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Burindi Frontosa

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  • For Sale: Burindi Frontosa

    I have 11 Burundi Frontosa I am planing to sale.

    7- are adults and 4 are juveniles. All of these have straight stripes and have been purchased from Fish gallery two years ago except for 3 of the juvis.

    The Alpha is approximately 10" and one large female about 8".

    They have not prodiced fry yet, thinking the male hasen't matured fully.

    I will post pics. Later tonight, some already on the Cichlid section of this site a few days ago.

    I will not split up this group and asking $400 for the colony.

  • #2
    Are you getting out of the Frontosa game? We are thinking braveheart is quickly getting some size and will need a newer home...
    In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.
    Desiderius Erasmus
    GHAC President


    • #3
      I would want the juries but ur not splitting

