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Fish for sale or trade

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  • For Sale: Fish for sale or trade

    I have 2 parrots (5-6 inches) and a Green Severum (5-6) inch. Asking 55 for all. (obo)
    Or trade for a 46 gal bowfront black stand 36 x 15 x 20

    Parrot2.jpgParrot 1.jpgGreen Sev.jpg

    One of the parrots moves in an angle quite often as you can see in the pic. But he has been like that since we got him and has been doing alright..

    72 Gal bow front - 11 L134 plecos , 6 albino corys , 10 mikula (2 inches)
    30 Gallon - Bristle nose male and long fin albino pleco and their babies- breeding tank.
    20 gallon planted long- Assorted guppies, long fin pleco juvies
    30 gallon hexagon - Black moscow guppies and long fins
    46 Gallon- Gold fishes
    10 gallon - breeding cory
    10 gallon - cory babies