Selling all the fish, there is probably more than what is counted or could be less... If there is more than what I put then you win, if there is less you pay for what is there. Selling as groups only.
-Tropheus Brichardi M'toto WC "Chibongbongs" $27ea (should be about 20 of them)(bonus: counted 4females holding some of the largest clutches I've seen them hold in a long time) SOLD
-Tropheus Brichardi M'toto F1 $15ea (I'm gonna say there is about 40 of them) SOLD
-Petrochromis Othoganthus Ikola F1 $15ea (15-20x)
-Telmatochromis Brichardi Mkinga shelldwellers $30 for all (4x - 2prs)
-Dwarf Giraffe cat $20SOLD
-Roseline barbs $3.00ea (13x)

Discounts for multiple purchases or larger group purchases.
Will also offer the Fossil Rock at $1.50/LB for anyone buying the tropheus or petros cause I think they look amazing against the rock.
edited to add.... can accept paypal gift/CreditCard through paypal/CreditCard w/4% fee/wellsfargo or chase bank transfer/gold bricks at market value/money order/cashiers check
Partial Trades:
Seachem Pond Matrix
Seachem Purigen
Eheim 2262 w/ QD's
Large Carbon bottles
-Petrochromis Othoganthus Ikola F1 $15ea (15-20x)
-Telmatochromis Brichardi Mkinga shelldwellers $30 for all (4x - 2prs)
-Roseline barbs $3.00ea (13x)

Discounts for multiple purchases or larger group purchases.
Will also offer the Fossil Rock at $1.50/LB for anyone buying the tropheus or petros cause I think they look amazing against the rock.
edited to add.... can accept paypal gift/CreditCard through paypal/CreditCard w/4% fee/wellsfargo or chase bank transfer/gold bricks at market value/money order/cashiers check
Partial Trades:
Seachem Pond Matrix
Seachem Purigen
Eheim 2262 w/ QD's
Large Carbon bottles