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wtb clown loach

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  • #16
    Re: wtb clown loach

    done with jury duty already db?....


    • #17
      Re: wtb clown loach

      uh I have to go back to work... stopped at home first to let the dogs out and try to find something to eat.    I was picked for a criminal case but the guy plea bargained right before.
      5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
      20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
      29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
      29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
      29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
      55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
      75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
      / 10+" oscar/ parrot


      • #18
        Re: wtb clown loach

        cool....but don't they pay you for the whole day off??...


        • #19
          Re: wtb clown loach

          nope..the school district makes you come back if they release you before 12:30.  My students be doing busy work.... I'm beat- sorry for jackin the thread.  I do want to get two or three loaches for my 55and eventually for the 75 (after the rabbit gets acclimated).
          5.5 fw fluval chi - class N top bar snake chested endlers/ red marble bn/ 4 stripe RCS/ pumpkin shrimp
          20 sw cube - a few damsels and a colony of bristleworms
          29 fw - self cloning crayfish..which can't seem to clone haha
          29 fw - mollies / albino bristlenose / ghost shrimp and snowball shrimp/ glo danios
          29 fw - crs/ amano/tiger shrimp /assassins/ whiptails/ plants/ 3 emerald cories
          55 fw - steatocranus casaurius (20ish)/ tetras/ rainbows/large Jack Dempsey
          75 fw - large Jack Dempseys / pictus cat/ yoyo loach/ Red gippicep
          / 10+" oscar/ parrot


          • #20
            Re: wtb clown loach

            i found tiny babys at a lfs once for 10 for 10 bucks.  but i cant remember the name of the place.  but they are also the ones that whiped me out wit ich.  lol.  i didnt qt them


            • #21
              Re: wtb clown loach

              Most Asian owned stores will have them super cheap or at decent prices.
              700g Mini-Monster tank


              • #22
                Re: wtb clown loach

                h0nkzz, yeah I live at 59 chimney rock.  The petsmart over on 610 and Fournace is okay, I have gotten lots of fish from there but if you go out to Sugarland there petsmart seems nicer.  I think you can get diseases from everywhere, I bought fish from Aquarium Gallery on Kirby and 2 weeks later they were all dead.  Sometimes it is just seems like luck of the draw.


                • #23
                  Re: wtb clown loach

                  QT QT QT.  lol


                  • #24
                    Re: wtb clown loach

                    Originally posted by eklikewhoa";p="
                    Most Asian owned stores will have them super cheap or at decent prices.

                    What is it with these asians undercutting everyone elses prices???


                    • #25
                      Re: wtb clown loach

                      lol.  i dont mind.


                      • #26
                        Re: wtb clown loach

                        Mike had 2 clown loaches in the top right tank facing the rear of the store. They looked healthy to me, one needed to be fattened up a little , but looked good.


                        • #27
                          Re: wtb clown loach

                          someone needs to start breedin them for us.  lol.  
                          i see people do get them to breed.  you just have to have a big colony to start with.


                          • #28
                            Re: wtb clown loach

                            Someone told me they had to be 9-10"+ to breed, thats why theyre mostly wild caught. Dont quote me tho, im probably wrong,


                            • #29
                              Re: wtb clown loach

                              I went to mikes today and bought 2 cichlids.  Not sure what they were but he said they would go with what I have.  They are fairly small, blue with vertical stripes of white.  I saw the 2 loaches he had but they had something on them, maybe it was ich.


                              • #30
                                Re: wtb clown loach

                                The actually had black stripes not white.

