Sold all endlers and all yellow guppy fry minus 2. Wait for the blacks to grow out some as my male has died after I get me a pair the blacks will go back on sale.
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Guppys and endlers
29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco
30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel
5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn
Ok I got more for sale.
2 yellow snakeskin - $0.75 each
5 tiger endler males (just starting to color up) - $1 each
10-15 mystery guppies could be pure Moscow could be hybrids - $0.75 each
80-100 blue mystery snails - $1 each29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco
30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel
5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn
Need more room in the tanks so clearance sale $0.75 for everything if you buy 15 or more $0.50 each.29 Gallon SA Tank -- 5 Bleeding Heart Tetras, Mated Pair of Angels, 7 Green Corys, and a Rubberlip Pleco
30 Gallon Breeder -- 20+ neon tetras, 3 albino cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, female betta, 1 angel
5 Gallon Shrimp Nano - Sakura Red Shrimp, Boraras Brigittae, Oto Cats, Olive Nerites, and Pink Ramshorn
Cool, been looking for some of these. PM sent.30Long: L134 Leopard Frog Plecos X16, Corydoras Sterbai X9, Endlers X4
Small ADA nano (~8gal): ... BKK or OEBT breeding tank in the works!
75g Craigslist Special: In the works...