Originally posted by mnemenoi
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What numbers should I be looking at to begin to worry? I see one new snail a month. The tank has been occupied for 4 months now and I am up to 3 snails.
The adults should be easy to pluck out, they are so darn big, didn't know ramshorns got that big. They keep my rock clean so I am not worried about that. They are never on the glass though, isn't that odd.
Didn't know corys ate snails. Cute lil buggers.
Oh I have a pleco somewhere in the tank too. I forgot it but talking about the glass made me remember. Was thinking to myself, if the snails don't clean the glass then who the heck does? Do plecs eat snails? Mine has gone nocturnal on me. It only comes out at night. Its getting to big. Gotta get rid of it soon, but don't know how I am gonna catch it.
Got it as a inches last fall, not it is about 6inches. Got to find a new baby and give away the yearlings