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Anyone have extra fish?

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  • #16
    Re: Anyone have extra fish?

    eklikewhoa, Would cardinal Tetra work?  If so,  are Cardinals hard to keep?  They look so nice but I think I read somewhere that they are really high maintainace and almost all are wild caught.  Where is the best place to get them?

    Anyone keep Cardinals that can share there thoughts?



    • #17
      Re: Anyone have extra fish?

      For shrimp? no go.....unless of course it was in the 125g but not in a small tank. Most tetras will go after shrimp/small fry.

      The problem with them is poor stock being brought in....they are mass packed into small bags and then put through the stress of shipping...poorly acclimated and then sold to customers.

      Mike has Neons, Rummynose and I forget the other cool looking tetra but his have been there since he opened the store and they are doing fine. I never had a problem getting neons and such from Mike even when it was Sunny's but I got rid of them due to the shrimp eating thing.

      Some decent fish I have kept with shrimp........some do still eat shrimp but at a super low rate...

      Microrasbora Maculata
      Microrasbora Merah
      Microrasbora Brigittae
      Male endlers if the tank is big enough and they are well fed
      Praecox rainbow fish....I have them with my Crystals and have not witnessed any eating and have seen a few new babies.
      Celestial Pearl Danios......same as above but I feed this tank really well
      Ember Tetra but I am pretty sure they go after babies.
      700g Mini-Monster tank


      • #18
        Re: Anyone have extra fish?

        I got 10 more Cardinals from Fish Ranch II months ago and they are still schooling happily around my 55; beautiful fish, the extra red just adds that nice color background and I enjoy their group passing back and forth amongst my Mollies.
        I lost 2 of 12 when moving them from tank to tank, and only 2 in 3 months is not a problem.
        I also know that their native waters are low ph ( someone told me about 6.8; neutral is 7) and I keep aquarium salt in my tank; even so, they are doing O.K. and have grown.
        I have 4 neons in another tank, and I've had them for 4 months,
        They were Fish Gallery buys, and I lost 6 of the original 10.
        And they love to swoop in on bits of frozen Dafnia, freeze dried Brine shrimp, or Tubiflex worms, so I'd keep small shrimp away from Tetras.
        Working for a better Future for my Fish!
        75, 29
        All my other tanks have gone on to better lives!

        Sailfin Mollies, Plecos, Corys,, 1 lonely Jewel Cichlid


        • #19
          Re: Anyone have extra fish?

          I have kept cardinals in tanks with guppy fry.  The guppy fry have been big enough to move around without getting eaten.  I would say cardinals are mild, however I have some x-ray tetra that will gobble up guppy fry like fruit snacks.  Basically, I wouldn't put anything bigger than a cardinal tetra in a tank where you want to have youngins.  If a fish can eat a smaller fish, it will if they cross paths.

