Due to school and upon being accepted into my program, I've decided to give up on fish keeping.
The list of things for sale:
-1x 9" Male unfaded Fertile Red Texas.(This is a hybrid, Proven fertile) - $50
-1x ~4-5" Female Blood parrot(Fertile) - $20
-1x Indo Datnoid. ~4" - $40
-1x 7" Senegal bichir. Free to with any purchase.
All these fish are fed strictly NLS.
Lastly is my 150gallon tall tank + stand. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 30". Lights are a cheap Aqueon brand, the tops is a make shift one so I doubt anyone would want them but they do work.
Selling the tank + stand for $150. It doesn't have any major scratches and no cracks, but the bottom panel does have white caulk around the bottom brace. I have no idea why the last owner did that, I just bought it as is.
I also have a Pro Clear 12gallon wet/dry filled with ceramic rings, bio balls, nylon balls, pump thats has a 1060gph rate, and an overflow box(I believe its 1160gph, both work fine together) and outflow tube. Selling it for $120.
Also have a 300w JEBO heater that I can let go for $10.
Full set up price is $250. Please keep in mind this is a GLASS tank, and it is extremely heavy. The glass is pretty thick. It would be best to have like 3-5 pretty strong guys to move this. I do not want to carry it, it was a PITA the first time.
I'll have pictures uploaded tomorrow.
PM me if you have any questions. Thanks.
Picture of the Red Texas, BP and their fry are in this link http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/fo...-Texas-Project
The list of things for sale:
-1x 9" Male unfaded Fertile Red Texas.(This is a hybrid, Proven fertile) - $50
-1x ~4-5" Female Blood parrot(Fertile) - $20
-1x Indo Datnoid. ~4" - $40
-1x 7" Senegal bichir. Free to with any purchase.
All these fish are fed strictly NLS.
Lastly is my 150gallon tall tank + stand. The dimensions are 48" x 24" x 30". Lights are a cheap Aqueon brand, the tops is a make shift one so I doubt anyone would want them but they do work.
Selling the tank + stand for $150. It doesn't have any major scratches and no cracks, but the bottom panel does have white caulk around the bottom brace. I have no idea why the last owner did that, I just bought it as is.
I also have a Pro Clear 12gallon wet/dry filled with ceramic rings, bio balls, nylon balls, pump thats has a 1060gph rate, and an overflow box(I believe its 1160gph, both work fine together) and outflow tube. Selling it for $120.
Also have a 300w JEBO heater that I can let go for $10.
Full set up price is $250. Please keep in mind this is a GLASS tank, and it is extremely heavy. The glass is pretty thick. It would be best to have like 3-5 pretty strong guys to move this. I do not want to carry it, it was a PITA the first time.
I'll have pictures uploaded tomorrow.
PM me if you have any questions. Thanks.
Picture of the Red Texas, BP and their fry are in this link http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/fo...-Texas-Project