Hippo tang and a yellow tang. Both are medium sized. They have been in my hair algae laden system for at least a year on the hippo and almost a year for the yellow. They were the last fish added. I am moving to a 4' tank so I want these to go to a proper sized home. They are in a 125 now. 100$ cash for those. I might consider partial trades for a mag9 in good working order, a sump or bare aquarium I can use for a sump under a 4'x18" tank. Led lighting components for the new build. Would prefer cash tho.
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Tangs for sale
Tangs for sale
Fish are probably 5" long. If I split them up it is 60 for the hippo and 40 for the yellow. Both are in a disease free system. I have not added fish since the yellow tang went in. The only coral added was from slayer311's system a while ago.
Can a mod please move this to the livestock forum? My bad. I don't start many posts with tapatalk.
Damit,. . . . Saw the thread smiled and thought someone was selling Tanganyikians !!
Lol5 gal baby hecqui grow out
7 gal baby compressicps
14 bio cube fry tank, multies-orange leleupi-telmatochromis
4 tank rack- 30 cubes. Shellies, mulities-brevis-telmatochromis-caudopunctaus
100 gal mixed community tank
125 Tropheus black bembas
Tanngankia cichlids what else