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90g of African Cichlid (35 healthy fishl)!

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  • For Sale: 90g of African Cichlid (35 healthy fishl)!

    Updated list! Parting things out now. Would love to see things go in as large a group as possible. Thanks!

    3x - BB Chilumba Zebra - $40
    1x - Demasoni - $10
    1x - Venustus - $10
    2x - Syndontis - $15
    4x - Red Zebra -$ 25 - Sold!
    3x - Yellow Lab -$ 25 - Sold!
    4x - Cobalt Red top Zebra - $25 - Sold!
    8x - Acei - $45 - Sold!
    1x - Royal pleco - $25 - Sold!
    8x - Auratus 8x - $45

    Prices OBO, make offers for groups Happy Monday (ugh)


    Hi all. Looking to sell my complete 90 gallon set-up.(

    If there is interest in the live stock (since obviously that has to go first), I will consider parting out the fishies and selling the remainder separately. I would like to sell all of the fish as a group, but if you guys want to get together and pick them up as a package then split them out, I'm fine with that.

    • 3x - BB Chilumba Zebra - 3-4" - by far my favorite in the tank. I think they are all males. Super bright, really active.
    • 4x - Red Zebra - 2.5-4"
    • 3x - Yellow Lab - 3-4"
    • 4x -Cobalt Red top Zebra - 2-3" - Newest additions to the tank (3 weeks I think?) growing like crazy.
    • 1x - Demasoni - 2.5-3"
    • 8x - Acei - 2.5-4"
    • 8x - Auratus - 3-4" - One large male, one smaller changing colors. Rest appear to be female.
    • 1x - Venustus - 3-4"
    • 2x - Syndontis - 3" - not sure which variety. they dont show up in many pictures so I'll just say they are a dark very dark brown with some darker spotting.
    • 1x Royal Pleco - 3" - Since I've been told its national pirate day, I'll point out that this pirate pleco only has one eye... He stays out in the open most of the time, which is probably why he got picked on. I have him in my smaller tank right now, but he won't be able to stay.

    Livestock: $250 if purchased separately from the rest of the tank and equipment.
    Couple group shots:

    More pics of livestock here:!-Lol)/page22

    Thanks for the interest guys. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
    Last edited by Crude; 10-01-2012, 02:36 PM.

  • #2


    • #3
      if you decide to slit up any of that livestock i'd be interested
      beam me up


      • #4
        pm sent pls respond
        !!!Live for today and not for tomorrow.!!!


        • #5
          Bump. Thanks!


          • #6
            smk, what livestock are you interested in? not1min is also interested in a portion of the stock, perhaps we can all work something out.


            • #7
              I could fit a few more in my tank, depending on who wants what...I know I don't want the Auratus though
              215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
              180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
              58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out


              • #8
                the labs and the red tops lol steve i know what your thinking but they're not for me for a friend of mine with a 90 with 2 labs in it
                beam me up


                • #9
                  Which ones does not1min want from these?
                  215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
                  180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
                  58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SteveCGG View Post
                    Which ones does not1min want from these?
                    I want the
                    • Red Zebra
                    • Yellow Lab
                    • Cobalt Red top Zebra
                    • Acei
                    • Royal pleco
                    !!!Live for today and not for tomorrow.!!!


                    • #11
                      So leftovers for me would be:
                      3x - BB Chilumba Zebra
                      1x - Demasoni
                      1x - Venustus
                      2x - Syndontis
                      215g Malawi Peacocks and Mbuna
                      180g Tropheus Ikola and Bemba and Clown Loaches
                      58g Bristlenose breeding and grow out


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the interest guys. Trying to work this out - making sure I have interest in all the livestock before I part them out - don't want to have a few lonely fish swimming around in a 90g


                        • #13
                          Free bump trying to help u get ur livestock gone :)


                          • #14
                            Bump - Anyone interested in the Auratus?

                            All PMs replied to. Thanks guys!


                            • #15
                              Pm sent
                              130 gallon lake malawi breeding community tank red zebra with true blue male, Mosobo "deep", Rusties, Taiwan reef.
                              125 gallon with Carl the crappie and Mrs. C the crawdad
                              100 gallon tall Walstad method planted tank
                              55 gallon tropical mixture of guppies, platy's, clown loaches
                              55 gallon pea puffer planted tank
                              30 gallon Cichlid fry tank
                              30 gallon planted snowball shrimp tank.
                              10 gallon Killi fish australe orange planted tank trying to breed

