[b]Anyone have a nice Reef Ready 75g, Metal Halides(at least 3x150 or 2x250 DE), large sump, good skimmer, etc just sitting around waiting to get filled?
Have lots of things I can trade for it... a big package deal.
30g Long...planted, Aquasoil, eheim2213 w/glass lily pipes, eheim 2211, coralife 2x96w pc, plants(HC, massive javafern bush, e.tenellus, hygrophila wavy, narrow leaf fern, valisneria nana,acicularis vivapara), ~20 healthy/breeding Celestial pearl danios, ~10 praecox rainbows, Crystal Red shrimp, RexGrigg co2 regulator w/10lb alum tank, 200w acura heater.... about $400
20g Long....Shelldweller tank...~200 authentic Tanganyikan Neothauma shells(these go for $2-3ea), Eheim 2213, coralife 2x18w T5, 1m/4f wildcaught N.Multifasciatus and their whole family which is probably a lot..safe number- about 20+, 15 or so blue line tetras, 200w acura heater.......about $175
5.5g.... RCS breeding factory....would say there is about 50+ Red Cherry shrimp but more like hundreds...has nice mini taiwan moss covered driftwood, lots of najas grass, aquasoil, has hood and light that has an added 18w pc retro'ed into it, aquaclear30.........about $50
5.5g.... Albino blue neon guppy pair (pastel/white body), lots of xmas moss, aquaclear20.........$30
5.5g... pocelia picta red trio and a few babies, xmas moss, aquaclear20.......$35
5.5g.... Black bar pure endlers...about 20 of them, reagent hob filter and xmas moss.......$30
10g.... with hood and light, albino blue neon guppies trio( yellowish body), Albino snakeskin red tail guppy trio and a few babies, najas grass, aquaclear30.....$50
10g... All black guppy fry....about 20 or so with buttload of najas grass, rock covered in xmas moss, coralife 2x65w pc with legs ........$65
30g...oceanic oak with stand and glass tops....rigged 65w Eclipse hood that I cut up just for the light.....large and nice looking driftwood covered in xmas moss and java fern windelov, anubias nana petite, limestone rocks, Eheim 2217, tronics heater, "bits o walnut" gravel....lots of guppies, sailfin sunset molly pair, couple of twin bar platies, plume tail platies, pair of black lyretail balloon mollies, ~10 pygmeus cories, peppermint swordtail trio .........$225
ADA Mini-M tank, All the ADA products: Co2 74 ver.2, Mini solar light, mini lily pipes, co2 drop checker, aquasoil, seiryu rocks, co2 bubble counter, Eheim 2011 ~15 Ember tetras, a few Red Cherry shrimps, Marsiela Minuta ........$400
10g empty with top/ 2xscrew in bulb light....$20
Eheim 2011 has everything except media, used and cord has been replaced(not by me)...$40
2x5.5g empty....$10
2-2x9w coralife mini aqualights...one has been modded to accept legs to stand on top of a 2.5g AGA..........$40/20ea.
11x F1 Cyphotalapia Gibberosa Mobas.....$450
Would like to trade for a new ReefReady set up of at least 75/90g or even the somewhat smaller ADA overflow cube garden aquariums. Will also trade for Metal Halide setup and a large colony of WC Tropheus(large meaning 30+)....If you have something to trade for the full package that you think I might be interested in feel free to pm me your offer.
Am not interested in parting anything or selling anything separate but will consider it if multiple purchase/trade and please pm, AIM, or email me at eklikewhoa@gmail.com if seriously interested.
terms of parting....if you want something someone else has to buy the rest first or at the same time...livestock will need to go first.
For those that do not know the value of what I am offering and just want to bash or troll....please reconsider....also if you want to comment on something I have listed please do your research before hand cause if I feel that it was a negative comment due to your lack of research/knowledge I will not hesitate to correct you. There is Google to aid you in just about anything you want to know and will also provide you with online sellers that will list their retail prices+shipping.
For those that are lazy and do not want to look it up, simply ask and you shall receive.
Have lots of things I can trade for it... a big package deal.
30g Long...planted, Aquasoil, eheim2213 w/glass lily pipes, eheim 2211, coralife 2x96w pc, plants(HC, massive javafern bush, e.tenellus, hygrophila wavy, narrow leaf fern, valisneria nana,acicularis vivapara), ~20 healthy/breeding Celestial pearl danios, ~10 praecox rainbows, Crystal Red shrimp, RexGrigg co2 regulator w/10lb alum tank, 200w acura heater.... about $400
20g Long....Shelldweller tank...~200 authentic Tanganyikan Neothauma shells(these go for $2-3ea), Eheim 2213, coralife 2x18w T5, 1m/4f wildcaught N.Multifasciatus and their whole family which is probably a lot..safe number- about 20+, 15 or so blue line tetras, 200w acura heater.......about $175
5.5g.... RCS breeding factory....would say there is about 50+ Red Cherry shrimp but more like hundreds...has nice mini taiwan moss covered driftwood, lots of najas grass, aquasoil, has hood and light that has an added 18w pc retro'ed into it, aquaclear30.........about $50
5.5g.... Albino blue neon guppy pair (pastel/white body), lots of xmas moss, aquaclear20.........$30
5.5g... pocelia picta red trio and a few babies, xmas moss, aquaclear20.......$35
5.5g.... Black bar pure endlers...about 20 of them, reagent hob filter and xmas moss.......$30
10g.... with hood and light, albino blue neon guppies trio( yellowish body), Albino snakeskin red tail guppy trio and a few babies, najas grass, aquaclear30.....$50
10g... All black guppy fry....about 20 or so with buttload of najas grass, rock covered in xmas moss, coralife 2x65w pc with legs ........$65
30g...oceanic oak with stand and glass tops....rigged 65w Eclipse hood that I cut up just for the light.....large and nice looking driftwood covered in xmas moss and java fern windelov, anubias nana petite, limestone rocks, Eheim 2217, tronics heater, "bits o walnut" gravel....lots of guppies, sailfin sunset molly pair, couple of twin bar platies, plume tail platies, pair of black lyretail balloon mollies, ~10 pygmeus cories, peppermint swordtail trio .........$225
ADA Mini-M tank, All the ADA products: Co2 74 ver.2, Mini solar light, mini lily pipes, co2 drop checker, aquasoil, seiryu rocks, co2 bubble counter, Eheim 2011 ~15 Ember tetras, a few Red Cherry shrimps, Marsiela Minuta ........$400
10g empty with top/ 2xscrew in bulb light....$20
Eheim 2011 has everything except media, used and cord has been replaced(not by me)...$40
2x5.5g empty....$10
2-2x9w coralife mini aqualights...one has been modded to accept legs to stand on top of a 2.5g AGA..........$40/20ea.
11x F1 Cyphotalapia Gibberosa Mobas.....$450
Would like to trade for a new ReefReady set up of at least 75/90g or even the somewhat smaller ADA overflow cube garden aquariums. Will also trade for Metal Halide setup and a large colony of WC Tropheus(large meaning 30+)....If you have something to trade for the full package that you think I might be interested in feel free to pm me your offer.
Am not interested in parting anything or selling anything separate but will consider it if multiple purchase/trade and please pm, AIM, or email me at eklikewhoa@gmail.com if seriously interested.
terms of parting....if you want something someone else has to buy the rest first or at the same time...livestock will need to go first.
For those that do not know the value of what I am offering and just want to bash or troll....please reconsider....also if you want to comment on something I have listed please do your research before hand cause if I feel that it was a negative comment due to your lack of research/knowledge I will not hesitate to correct you. There is Google to aid you in just about anything you want to know and will also provide you with online sellers that will list their retail prices+shipping.
For those that are lazy and do not want to look it up, simply ask and you shall receive.