Mark has the 75 gallon community tank setup at Dickinson High School with guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails and glass shrimp; we will bring some angels and dwarf bristle nose plecos next week. Â Have also donated the gravel, rocks, driftwood and plants.
If anyone has an automatic feeder (weekends but mainly Christmas vacation) they are not using and any spare fish foods they would like to donate the science teacher would really appreciate it. Â We will be at the HAS auction on Sunday. Â Thanks, ken/mark
Mark has the 75 gallon community tank setup at Dickinson High School with guppies, mollies, platies, swordtails and glass shrimp; we will bring some angels and dwarf bristle nose plecos next week. Â Have also donated the gravel, rocks, driftwood and plants.
If anyone has an automatic feeder (weekends but mainly Christmas vacation) they are not using and any spare fish foods they would like to donate the science teacher would really appreciate it. Â We will be at the HAS auction on Sunday. Â Thanks, ken/mark