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Feeder fish

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  • Wanted: Feeder fish

    I am open to mosquito guppies or any other feeder fish. I trust your judgement on what your selling, sent me a pm and I will get back to you. Or if any ond knows a store that they trust that sells feeders.

  • #2
    Feeders are pretty tough man. I wouldnt really trust any store. If I were to buy any I'd have them in a quarantine tank for about two weeks. I would treat the tank with Epsom salt.
    But if you are serious about feeding your fish feeders for a long time, it might me a good idea to get some convicts, mollies or the sort and breed them and use the fry as feeders. That way you know your feeders are in good shape.
    210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
    125g Mdoka White Lip

    "Success is the willingness to fail"


    • #3
      Lfs has goldfish but u have to quarantine first or get some convicts like Moganman said and breed them cheap way is find a bayou and get a net and just quarantine before u feed them to ur fish


      • #4
        I would quarantine for at least a month for feeder fish and bayou fish... Those parasites and diseases stay in their system for a while. Convicts can cause damage to your pbass. Livebearers are the way to go. Buy a lot of cheap ones and toss them in a bucket and let them breed and grow out. I would help to get the hatchery going before you buy the fish so that way you can have a large source of food. You want to treat with both salt and epson salt. Water changes very often to help remove any possible diseases or parasites that are in the water.


        • #5
          petsmart and petco sell rosey reds and comets for like 13 cents a piece. I have been feeding my crappie these guys for 3.5 years with no negative side effects. He eats 40-60 of the medium comets a week.
          130 gallon lake malawi breeding community tank red zebra with true blue male, Mosobo "deep", Rusties, Taiwan reef.
          125 gallon with Carl the crappie and Mrs. C the crawdad
          100 gallon tall Walstad method planted tank
          55 gallon tropical mixture of guppies, platy's, clown loaches
          55 gallon pea puffer planted tank
          30 gallon Cichlid fry tank
          30 gallon planted snowball shrimp tank.
          10 gallon Killi fish australe orange planted tank trying to breed


          • #6
            So I can keep them in a bucket? How would I keep them in a bucket? I have mosquito guppies in the creek by my house.


            • #7
              When I had peacock bass, crappie, and petenia splendida, I fed them mosquito guppies and I never quarantined them lol. Never had an issue, but the creek I used was very secluded and only stretched a few hundred feet and all of my fish were wild caught.
              210gPetrochromis Macrognatus Green 'Nsumbu
              125g Mdoka White Lip

              "Success is the willingness to fail"


              • #8
                Re: Feeder fish

                My fahaka gets rosy reds every now and then, never had any ill side effects. I think it has a lot to do with the fish that's eating them too though. If the fish is healthy I don't believe it will be as prone to getting sick and so forth. Just my opinion.
                20g mixed reef


                • #9
                  Just got some rosy reds and feed my fish, Awesome.


                  • #10
                    Re: Feeder fish

                    There won't be any ill effects short term, but you chance it in the long run. HITH and other problems can arise from long term feeding of those feeder fish

                    Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
                    Last edited by mistahoo; 12-20-2012, 02:11 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mistahoo View Post
                      There won't be any ill effects short term, buy you chance it in the long run. HITH and other problems can arise from long term feeding of those feeder fish

                      Sent from my spaceship using Tapatalk 2.
                      dont bro me if you dont know me!!!!!

