I am looking to start a 55 Tanganyikan setup. Have rocks filters, everything no fish!
Wondering if any local breeders have the following for sale?
10+ x Cyprichromis Leptosoma - Looking for a non-jumbo variety. More yellows and blues.
2-3 x Altolamprologus Calvus - Fish Gallery has the black variety, but I am looking for one that is a little lighter in color. Grays and Yellows.
2-3 x Neolamprologus leleupi - the brighter the better!
2-3 x julidochromias varieties
Probably going to add a single frontosa too, but those are for sale everywhere.
Please reply or PM. I'm looking to buy within the next 2 weeks.
Wondering if any local breeders have the following for sale?
10+ x Cyprichromis Leptosoma - Looking for a non-jumbo variety. More yellows and blues.
2-3 x Altolamprologus Calvus - Fish Gallery has the black variety, but I am looking for one that is a little lighter in color. Grays and Yellows.
2-3 x Neolamprologus leleupi - the brighter the better!
2-3 x julidochromias varieties
Probably going to add a single frontosa too, but those are for sale everywhere.
Please reply or PM. I'm looking to buy within the next 2 weeks.