Anyone out there want to swap some Endlers ? I have about 8 adults and 12-15 juveniles/fry in a 20 gallon planted tank with some other fish (no guppies !). And I have 5-6 adults and 10-12 juveniles in a 5.5 gal by themselves. These started out as two separate groups that I got from Eklikewhoa and Islander but I have since co-mingled the two groups so there is some diversity in the genetics.
Would like to swap some adults/fry for other Endlers in order to expand the gene pool a little more in my two tanks.
Anyone interested ? I live in Kingwood and would meet someone in the middle to make a quick swap if interested. Swapping would probably have to be on a weekend.
Would like to swap some adults/fry for other Endlers in order to expand the gene pool a little more in my two tanks.
Anyone interested ? I live in Kingwood and would meet someone in the middle to make a quick swap if interested. Swapping would probably have to be on a weekend.