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Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

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  • Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

    Anyone out there want to swap some Endlers ?  I have about 8 adults and 12-15 juveniles/fry in a 20 gallon planted tank with some other fish (no guppies !).  And I have 5-6 adults and 10-12 juveniles in a 5.5 gal by themselves. These started out as two separate groups that I got from Eklikewhoa and Islander but I have since co-mingled the two groups so there is some diversity in the genetics.

    Would like to swap some adults/fry for other Endlers in order to expand the gene pool a little more in my two tanks.  

    Anyone interested ?   I live in Kingwood and would meet someone in the middle to make a quick swap if interested. Swapping would probably have to be on a weekend.

  • #2
    Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

    I have some endlers that i'm am willing to trade, but not for endlers. Do you have anything else you want to trade for them?


    • #3
      Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

      Good morning,

      Our endler stock disappeared in one of our outside tanks so would like to start again.

      Kidslikefish, could I trade some male hifin & plumetail platies for some of you endlers.  You can breed these males to your regular platies and you will get hifins & plumetails from them.  Or I have some very nice orange/red male guppies to trade.

      Ed, I could not find the thread you had yesterday but did check and see what albino guppies I had left that I bought from Diago.  I have one albino blue/orange pastel male (he is the prettist of all the guppies and two albino snake skin males with a orange bar on either side of their body.  Sorry, I don't have any of the albino females left (Mark took the females for the high school fish tank).  These males are nice and would like to trade them for some of your endlers.

      Are either of you going to the HAS Holiday party on Dec. 9th, we can trade then.  later, ken


      • #4
        Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

        I didn't know about the party, but I can probably come. Please send me details.

        How about a trio of endlers [and a scoop of babies] for each male? Three trios + babies for 3 males?

        Could you sent some pictures of  the fish you offered Kidslikefish:male hifin & plumetail platies & very nice orange/red male guppies. I could trade some more endlers.


        • #5
          Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

          Ed, the only thing I have tradeable other than Endlers is RCS.  I have those listed on another tread in the Fish Market.  Any interest in those ?  I have a lot of guppy fry, but they're not from anything special, just some fancy guppies.

          Ken, I'd trade some Endlers for the platies. I have some Redwag that I bought at the HLA auction in my 20 planted, along with the Plum platties I got from you originally with the Endlers.  Some hifin and plumetail genes mixed into that tank would work out well.  I can't make the December 9th party, but maybe we could set up another time to meet.  I'm in no hurry and if we need to wait until things slow down in January, that's okay with me.  The Endlers aren't doing anything other than growing right now !!


          • #6
            Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

            Howdy Ed,

            http://www.houstonaquariumsociety.or...0Page%2002.htm  Link to HAS Holiday Party.

            All the guppies came from Diago and we have extra orange/red male guppies if you want some of them I can bring you some; sorry no guppy photos but you will not be dispointed with them.  Trading endlers for the male guppies sounds perfect!

            The platy stock came from Goliad Farms and I was breeding out the black color so the first two photos show what the hifin & plumetails look like, there might even be some hifin/plume tails because Mark and I have been working on this line.  The colors are more like the the last photo of the Variatus Sunset.  Yes, I have extra males of both so could bring you a handful of male plumetail & hifin platies.  Mark and I are easy on the trades let us know what else you have to trade.  Any odd mollies, platies or sword tails you have might work.  Even some common solid red Maculatus Platy females would work on a trade.  Be on the look out for Maculatus Platies or Swordtails with red body males or females with the yellow dorsal or caudil fins.  This is another thing we are breeding for.  later, ken


            • #7
              Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

              I some some very nice swordtail. I'm working on developing a better red/orange swordtail and a gold swordtail from a pineapple [Have juvi virgin swordtails close to theese for trade]. I have just started trying to improve some mikey mouse swordtails. I working on a yellow sword tail with red dorsal. I might have some red body yellow fin ones i can check this weekend.

              I'd like some RCS, how about one endler for shrimp times 10?


              • #8
                Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

                Howdy Ed,

                So I will bring you the 3 albino male guppies (one blue pastel & two snake tails) plus 3 red male guppies (one is a red snake the other two are full body reds). I might have a couple young gray body blue tail female guppies to ad in.  All for a nice colony of endlers to get us started back up again.

                Will bring you 3 hifin male and 3 plumetail male platies mostly the Variatus type, but should be able to find one of each in the Maculatus neonmarigold.  There might be a couple normal fin females in this group I could put in to breed back to these males.

                It sounds coool what you are working with and would like some of them on the trade for the platies.  Virgin females are will work great.  Will take any either sex in the red body yellow fins...hope you have some.

                Some of the lines we are working with is the albino red body and albino pineapple and albino koi, and solid orange swordtails all in the hifin & lyretals.  We had some nice orange double sword hifin swords we were working with but ran out of space so sent them to Goliad Farms for Charles to work with.

                The platies are mostly the Variatus type and have a pair yellow body with ruby nose (front half of body) that we are trying to breed into our hifins and plumetails.

                I might have a young green & orange lyretail male swordtails that I can send you to grow out and enjoy.  The two males probably can not breed because their gonipodiums will be to big but they sure are flashy and fun to watch in a tank.  

                The only shimp we have good luck breeding is the glass shrimp and they are great to watch and keep the tanks clean.  LETS DO SOME TRADING   later, ken


                • #9
                  Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

                  Thanks, I'm interested the guppies on the 9th, but i currently don't have space for
                  any thing else, but will in a few weeks. I would like t trade some xiphs then.
                  Trade for the shrimp was for Kid.


                  • #10
                    Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

                    Howdy Ed,

                    Sounds like a plan for a swap on Dec. 9, I did see two female guppies in the tank last night I will include.  My boys would love some of your RCS shrimp if you have any to spare.  Are these the ones that you said were beeding like crazy (think you said they were hitch hickers in bags of fish & plants you bought at the last HLA auction)  Two of my boys have 30 gallon tanks in their rooms and Mark has 2 - 30 gallon tanks in his room.

                    We can trade some X. at a later date, just let me know when you are ready.  I will also have to shift some fish around to make room.  later, ken


                    • #11
                      Re: Anyone Interested in trading some Endlers ?

                      I'm didn't realize that party was in Huntsvile. I thought it was in Houston [houston aquarium society]. Still want to make the deal though hows wendday of thursday?

