image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgDon't need to sale just want to free up some money! I will not part out!
Heres the list
60g RR on 48"*24"*44" stand
reefkeeper elite with 3-pc4's,sl1,mlc,ph probe,float switch, 2 toms aqua lifter pumps,aquac skimmer, 20g long refuge, refuge light, 1200gph return pump, 2 led light fixtures I'm sure there's more equipment! Two 850gph hydor powerheads, 60-70 pounds of live rock, brs 75gpd rodi plus system
large hammer coral $60
large favites $100
mushrooms purple and red-one rock with purple mushrooms w/purple coraline algae $25 red mushrooms $15
corcea clam sold
derasa clam sold
frogspawn sold
Xeinas sold
zoa I have a couple different kinds
kenya trees $5 each
green polyp toadstool $35
birds nest $30
green button polyps $20
one head of purple hammer $50
yellow tang sold
blue eye tang sold
scopustang sold
fire fish $20
3 stripe damsel sold
blue damsel sold
2clowns $45
sand shifting star $15
clean up crew
couple baby brittle stars free to someone lucky lol
Everything adds up to more then $2500
Asking $2000 Obo
Heres the list
60g RR on 48"*24"*44" stand
reefkeeper elite with 3-pc4's,sl1,mlc,ph probe,float switch, 2 toms aqua lifter pumps,aquac skimmer, 20g long refuge, refuge light, 1200gph return pump, 2 led light fixtures I'm sure there's more equipment! Two 850gph hydor powerheads, 60-70 pounds of live rock, brs 75gpd rodi plus system
large hammer coral $60
large favites $100
mushrooms purple and red-one rock with purple mushrooms w/purple coraline algae $25 red mushrooms $15
corcea clam sold
derasa clam sold
frogspawn sold
Xeinas sold
zoa I have a couple different kinds
kenya trees $5 each
green polyp toadstool $35
birds nest $30
green button polyps $20
one head of purple hammer $50
yellow tang sold
blue eye tang sold
scopustang sold
fire fish $20
3 stripe damsel sold
blue damsel sold
2clowns $45
sand shifting star $15
clean up crew
couple baby brittle stars free to someone lucky lol
Everything adds up to more then $2500
Asking $2000 Obo