Be the first to make a reasonable offer and its yours. I am signing the contract for the sale of my house today, and assuming they dont back out I have to be moved by the 25th of January. All items are for pickup in Kingwood or Willis, but i may be able to deliver for a small fee. I will do package deals, so let me know what your interested in.
Please PM me offers
75 gallon setup $150 SOLD
-75 gallon tank(brand unknown)
-Glass tops(missing one of the pieces, so you get 3)
-factory brown stand
90 Gallon Hex $250
-90 gallon hexagon tank
-hex shaped factory stand
-glass tops(plastic hinge is broke)

45 gallon setup $100
-45 gallon tank(has been dry for 2 years)
-custom stand and canopy

AC 110 (500) $40 SOLD
-all media included
-new in box carbon bag
-may need new impellar, but could be fine in none sand tank.
Penguin 350B $20 SOLD
-Comes with a 2-6 used Filter pads, that have been cleaned.
Coralife Aqualight 24" power compact $75 SOLD
-1-65 watt actinic and 1-65 watt 10,000k
-used for 1-1.5year
Black Stand and Canopy $Make offer
-shown in picture below.
-More pics availabe via email.
-entire front piece of stand comes off for full access underneath tank.
Texas Holey Rock $.75/lbs
-i will weigh the rocks tonight,and PM that weight to anyone that is interested. I know that both each piece is atleast 25lbs, and probably near the 40lb range.
rock on the far left that is picture on its front. I will try to find one of it standing up. this rock is probably 20" across and 6-8" thick.

Big rock in the center. Show in a 75 gallon tank. this is a big rock, atleast 24" long, 6" high, and 6" deep if not bigger.
Please PM me offers
75 gallon setup $150 SOLD
-75 gallon tank(brand unknown)
-Glass tops(missing one of the pieces, so you get 3)
-factory brown stand
90 Gallon Hex $250
-90 gallon hexagon tank
-hex shaped factory stand
-glass tops(plastic hinge is broke)

45 gallon setup $100
-45 gallon tank(has been dry for 2 years)
-custom stand and canopy

AC 110 (500) $40 SOLD
-all media included
-new in box carbon bag
-may need new impellar, but could be fine in none sand tank.
Penguin 350B $20 SOLD
-Comes with a 2-6 used Filter pads, that have been cleaned.
Coralife Aqualight 24" power compact $75 SOLD
-1-65 watt actinic and 1-65 watt 10,000k
-used for 1-1.5year
Black Stand and Canopy $Make offer
-shown in picture below.
-More pics availabe via email.
-entire front piece of stand comes off for full access underneath tank.
Texas Holey Rock $.75/lbs
-i will weigh the rocks tonight,and PM that weight to anyone that is interested. I know that both each piece is atleast 25lbs, and probably near the 40lb range.
rock on the far left that is picture on its front. I will try to find one of it standing up. this rock is probably 20" across and 6-8" thick.

Big rock in the center. Show in a 75 gallon tank. this is a big rock, atleast 24" long, 6" high, and 6" deep if not bigger.
