I have the following:
1 x 7-8" Regular Indo Datnoid...........$150ea (SOLD!!)
2 x 9-11" Clean 3 Bar Datnoid/3.2 Bar ............$250ea (BOTH SOLD!!)
3 x 12"+ Clean 3 Bar Datnoid ...........$300ea (PENDING)
12 x 2 1/2-3"Indo Datnoid................$20ea
1 x 15"+ Japanese Kohaku Koi...........$60
50 x 3"ish Clown Loach......................$10ea
15+ full grown Maison reefs colony......$80 ALL
3 x 3-4" imported Red Texas (not super red).....$100ea
6 x 12" Albino Gibb Pleco.....................$100ea
45+ x 1" Moba Frys............................$20ea
30+ x 1" Kitumba Frys........................$25ea
**Sorry... The silver arowana are reserved for mr pete.
Open to trades: FX5 and L25 Pleco
1 x 7-8" Regular Indo Datnoid...........$150ea (SOLD!!)
2 x 9-11" Clean 3 Bar Datnoid/3.2 Bar ............$250ea (BOTH SOLD!!)
3 x 12"+ Clean 3 Bar Datnoid ...........$300ea (PENDING)
12 x 2 1/2-3"Indo Datnoid................$20ea
1 x 15"+ Japanese Kohaku Koi...........$60
50 x 3"ish Clown Loach......................$10ea
15+ full grown Maison reefs colony......$80 ALL
3 x 3-4" imported Red Texas (not super red).....$100ea
6 x 12" Albino Gibb Pleco.....................$100ea
45+ x 1" Moba Frys............................$20ea
30+ x 1" Kitumba Frys........................$25ea
**Sorry... The silver arowana are reserved for mr pete.
Open to trades: FX5 and L25 Pleco